Hello there world :) The Tri life is going good! We had a super great week!!!! First I'll spoil all the exciting stuff that happened! Actually maybe not...read my whole email :) So Monday we had a really good lesson with a part member family in Kelowna 2nd ward and we found out the non-member HAD MISSIONARIES LIVING WITH HIM IN THE 70'S FOR LIKE 2 YEARS!!!!!
TIME!!!!! HAHAHAHHAH We had Family Home Evening (FHE) for the Young Single Adult (YSA) Branch...man...all these acronyms..sorry for all the Mormon jargon). That was fun! They played Fugitive, but they call it Why Run? Here...While they were playing we met with the Zone Leaders and talked about plans for Zone Meeting and they told me since I went to MLC (another acronym...) I would be giving a training!!!! CRAZY!!!! Tuesday Sister Steele and I saw Sandra while Sister Hoffman went with Sister John to visit less actives (PRODUCTIVITY AT IT'S FINEST :)) Sandra's lesson was so good!!! The Spirit was strong!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE KNOWS IT'S TRUE SHE JUST NEEDS TO PRAY!!! I pushed at the end to get her to pray and I was bold and loving in all things :) AND SHE PRAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoooo!!!! We're meeting with her again this week :) I also came up with another ORIGINAL SISTER PETERSON QUOTE: "If the spirit's there, no one will care". Also for dinner Tuesday...I ate...BLOOD STEW...it had real blood...it's a Filipino food...I can't believe I ate it!!!!!!!!! Wasn't too bad...just have to get over
Sister Steele |
the "blood" part of it :) Wednesday we had an amazing less active visit. The spirit was really strong and she told us how she hasn't had visiting teachers in YEARS and how great it is to just get a phone call and a visit from members! Oh my goodness it was heart wrenching...Sister Steele and I committed then that we will NEVER miss our visiting teaching!!!!! Oh my goodness....it helped me see the importance of it and how inspired it is! So Tuesday night when we were planning for Wednesday we said we were going to find 1 potential in Kelowna 2nd (K2...there goes another acronym) area. So.... I said Her name is going to be..........SAMANTHA! Well I had kind of forgotten about it and we knocked on this door (don't rush ahead of the story....) and she was super interested and said she was Jehovah's Witness, but she was interested in learning more about the Book of Mormon. Then at the very end we were like, oh yeah! What's your name? She says SAM! I freaked out...IS THAT SHORT FOR SAMANTHA!!!! SHE SAID YES!!!! So I told her not
Zone Meeting |
to be freaked out, but I had said we were going to find a Samantha the night before. I showed her my planner and how I had written it down and she knew we met for a reason!!! SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we called President Burt because he LOVES it when we call and tell him about miracles and he was so happy and shocked :) hahah Miracles like this happen every day in the mission it's literally the best!! Thursday we just laughed all day. I can't really remember what happened but I know we all were tired and crazy and laughed so hard about everything!!! Friday was ZONE MEETING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got to train the missionaries on Role Plays...my favorite ;) ahhahaha Sister Steele and I also did a musical number and Elder Edwards played Violin for us and Elder Taylor played piano it was beautiful!!! At Zone Meeting we FINALLY GOT TO ANNOUNCE THE SECRET WE'VE BEEN KEEPING SINCE WE WENT TO MLC IN VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT'S RIGHT!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!! The whole mission is gathering in Richmond and listening to him for 2 hrs!!!!!!!!
I am so excited to meet an apostle of the Lord!!!!!!!!!Man!!!!!!! I just can't explain how excited I am!!!!! When President Burt
Aileen's Baptism! |
told us at MLC you could hear a pin drop...the Spirit was so strong and all of us missionaries felt so blessed...there wasn't a dry eye in that place. Zone Meeting was just as spiritual as we told the missionaries that he was coming...this is such a great opportunity and we are working our hardest to make sure we are personally prepared to meet an Apostle!!!! SO EXCITED!!!! After Zone Meeting we decided to go work in the other Sisters Area to build it up for them...in the missionary world we call this a BLITZ. Well during the blitz we had something kind of crazy happened...we felt so inspired to go to this neighborhood in West Kelowna (across the lake) So on this street people were just door slamming us like crazy...and we were going to knock the last house and Sister Steele yells to these 2 guys across the street and says "Hey I like your car!" She loves cars and that's how she starts conversations! She is so good at talking to everyone!! The guy says "You like me?" and she said "No, your car" "He was older looking but dressed in ridiculously expensive clothes. He walked over to us and I could tell that his cologne was so expensive too. He had a thick Greek accent and was kinda short. Then 2 guys about 6 ft 3 or 4 came over. Literally looked like a combo of Hugh Jackman and Dwayne Johnson. They asked us who we were and
LOL! When you accidentally write Sister Wives instead of Sister Missionaries!!! |
where we were from ..the short guy was way weird too. The other two guys kinda stood behind him. Then the short guy introduced themselves He said my name is Gus this is my BODY GUARD! The body guard was creeping me out. He was just focused on me and I was like um...awkward...so I just kept quiet and didn't talk to him and kept looking away also I just kept thinking "you look way to much like hugh jackman" hahahah We started putting two and two together and the Holy Ghost told all of us...THIS IS NOT A GOOD SITUATION YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!! But we didn't want to seem alarmed. I just felt calm and just made sure I was apart of both my companions conversations. I later learned that my companions both had the impression to just testify of Jesus Christ so that they know we are serious about our mission and that we are servants of the Lord and we would be safe. They did an excellent job. :) We told them we had an appointment and we needed to leave and they said some pretty weird/creepy things and we just bolted to our car locked the doors and sped away. Once we started driving away we drove a different way home becuase we wanted to make sure they didn't follow us hahah We all talked about our impressions. Sister Steele said she had never heard the holy ghost so clearly like it was a voice speaking to her and coaching her through it. It was a dangerous situation. We're 100% sure they were in some sort of Mob or Mafia. They were SO EXCITED when I said I was from
My Pink Hot Chocolate |
Vegas...It was like we were in a movie...super surreal. We all felt like we were in danger, but because of the Spirit we were protected. I know we had angels around us and if we wouldn't have testified and been so in tune with the spirit it would have ended up differently. We all were wondering...why did we have to go through that scary experience?? Why did we feel prompted to come here??? I know I learned that I HAVE to be in tune with the Spirit and the best way to get out of a situation and to calm myself down is to testify of Jesus Christ. Amazing. On Saturday we spent most of our day getting ready for Aileen's baptism!!!! The font started draining....THIS HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME WHEN DIANE GOT BAPTIZED!!! AHAHHAHA but we caught it in enough time and we had plenty of water to do the ordinance!! Sister Steele and I sang again at the baptism and it was a full house!!! Aileen was so happy and we were so happy for her!!!!! She is in the YSA branch and her birthday was Friday and Saturday she was baptized!!! So cool!!! We were so busy that day, but every time we got out of the car we saw miracles!!! We were at a bus station and I struck up a conversation with a girl Naomi and she said she has been wanting to be baptized!!!!! WE DON'T HEAR THAT EVERY DAY!!!! I'm so happy I followed the prompting to talk to her!!! She works at Starbucks, so we are going to go get hot chocolates today and set up a return appointment with her!!! THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD WEEK!!!!! SO MANY LEARNING EXPERIENCES!!!! I LOVE MY COMPANIONS AND THEIR DEDICATION TO THIS WORK!!! We are having so much fun and I am just loving Kelowna and loving the mission :)
Sister Peterson
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