On Tuesday my companion decided to go home :( It was a really hard decision for her, but it's the best decision for
her right now. So Tuesday night she flew out of Kelowna. I've been staying with the Sister Training Leaders (Sister Steele and Sister Hoffman) We are working both areas Kelowna 2nd and Okanagan YSA, so we are SUPER BUSY!!!!! Monday night was Thanksgiving!!!!!!! We saw some great miracles!!!!! Tuesday night was sad because I had to say goodbye to Sister Esplin! I cried like a baby after she left. The Spirit has helped me so much to just keep me calm all last week but as soon as she had left I let it all out. I was so sad! I love Sister Esplin so much!! After we went to the airport we had to rush over to West Kelowna ACROSS the lake!!! There's a bridge...{don't worry...missionaries can't go in water haahhaha} so we had a crazy
night to say the least!! Wednesday we had district meeting and I had to give a training about Becoming a Convert Missionary...and I cried!!! Uh...how embarrassing!!! I was talking about how lucky we are to be preaching the gospel and what a privilege it is to have the gospel and be able to declare repentance to everyone! Being a missionary is a blessing!! After District Meeting, we went back over to West Kelowna to teach Aileen who will be
baptized this weekend!!!! We are so excited!! She's someone the Sister's
have been working with and she is SO READY to be baptized!! We are excited!!! Wednesday was my mom's birthday as well!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! LOVE YOU!!!! Thursday went by in a flash!! We had weekly planning and then after planning we taught Meghan a new investigator for Kelowna 2nd!!! We are so excited! She is seeking for truth and we are excited to meet with her again! She is someone Sister Esplin and I found Tuesday before we dropped her off!! Miracle!!! Then.....ROADTRIP TO VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! All 3 of us got some snacks, packed our bags, and hopped in the car for a roadtrip! We had Missionary Leadership Council (MLC) at the mission office on Friday!! The drive was kind of scary! We couldn't see because of the fog but we made it through okay! It's a 4 hr drive but took us 5 hrs because of
weather. The pass is called the Coquihalla (coke-a-holla) and it's similar to Donner Pass! It reminded me a lot of Lake Tahoe area!! We stayed with the Vancouver YSA Sisters and had a super fun night! We had to wake up bright and early on Friday though!! It was so fun!! I got to see sisters I have missed so much!!!!! MLC was all about FAITH!! and how we can help us and other missionaries have enduring faith!!!! Faith to get through the hard times. Faith in all situations!! OH MAN IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! During lunch I got to see Sister Benincosa!!!! LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!! Man I miss my Surrey people!!! Friday night after the meeting we had to drive home. There was a REALLY BAD STORM on the lower mainland, so we drove careful and then when we got to the pass IT WAS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!! So we didn't get home till 11pm! Everyone was calling and checking in on us though! President
Burt said "I'm not going to bed till you're tucked in!!" hahaha I'm sure he stays up WAY later than 11pm!!! haha It was a great experience though. It really built my faith especially after this crazy week! Saturday we worked so hard and SAW SO MANY MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the funnest day of my mission!!! Sunday the Sisters have church at 11 and Kelowna 2nd is at 1, so I had to have a member be my companion for church! I definitely gained a testimony of companions and the power that we have together as 2 witnesses to the truth! It felt like a little piece of me was missing!! I was so happy to be joined back with my companions afterward!!! We ended our night at a baptismal interview, and we are all set for Aileen to be baptized this Saturday!!!!!! We are so excited!!!! WE ARE SO BUSY, BUT THIS IS THE HAPPIEST I'VE BEEN!!! There is no time to think about myself or what has happened. We just have to focus on the work and work so hard! We're teaching so much and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to work with these sisters and learn so much!!!
night to say the least!! Wednesday we had district meeting and I had to give a training about Becoming a Convert Missionary...and I cried!!! Uh...how embarrassing!!! I was talking about how lucky we are to be preaching the gospel and what a privilege it is to have the gospel and be able to declare repentance to everyone! Being a missionary is a blessing!! After District Meeting, we went back over to West Kelowna to teach Aileen who will be
baptized this weekend!!!! We are so excited!! She's someone the Sister's
have been working with and she is SO READY to be baptized!! We are excited!!! Wednesday was my mom's birthday as well!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! LOVE YOU!!!! Thursday went by in a flash!! We had weekly planning and then after planning we taught Meghan a new investigator for Kelowna 2nd!!! We are so excited! She is seeking for truth and we are excited to meet with her again! She is someone Sister Esplin and I found Tuesday before we dropped her off!! Miracle!!! Then.....ROADTRIP TO VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burt said "I'm not going to bed till you're tucked in!!" hahaha I'm sure he stays up WAY later than 11pm!!! haha It was a great experience though. It really built my faith especially after this crazy week! Saturday we worked so hard and SAW SO MANY MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the funnest day of my mission!!! Sunday the Sisters have church at 11 and Kelowna 2nd is at 1, so I had to have a member be my companion for church! I definitely gained a testimony of companions and the power that we have together as 2 witnesses to the truth! It felt like a little piece of me was missing!! I was so happy to be joined back with my companions afterward!!! We ended our night at a baptismal interview, and we are all set for Aileen to be baptized this Saturday!!!!!! We are so excited!!!! WE ARE SO BUSY, BUT THIS IS THE HAPPIEST I'VE BEEN!!! There is no time to think about myself or what has happened. We just have to focus on the work and work so hard! We're teaching so much and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to work with these sisters and learn so much!!!
Love you All!!
Sister Peterson
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