Monday was Monday. Tuesday our lesson cancelled, so we ended up doing service for our member that was going to come with us :) She's a mommy and her son is 6 months old!!! SO CUTE!!! So we helped her clean her house! I LOVE DOING SERVICE!!! It's just another way of doing missionary work, but it has a different spirit that just warms your heart :) We had a miracle!!! We've been trying to meet with our recent convert Sheri this whole last transfer but she was M.I.A. We felt prompted
to just stop by and see if she was home...SHE OPENED THE DOOR!!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN 1 1/2 MONTHS THE MISSIONARIES HAVE GOTTEN TO SEE HER!!!! It was awesome!! We shared a message about the atonement and the Spirit was so strong!! On our way to our next lesson with MaryAnne we stopped at 7-11 to use the washroom and as we were walking in we see a less active that we've been trying to get in contact with all of last transfer!! She was like, "Hey Sisters!!!" We turn around and we were like WHAT?!?!? She invited us over and we were so stoked!!!! Our lesson with MaryAnne went really well! We watched the Restoration and she really liked it! We read some scriptures with her and asked her to READ AND PRAY about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith! She said she would!!!! Yay!!!! Wednesday NO ONE WAS HOME!!! IT WAS CRAZY!!! I just wasn't feeling the Spirit and Sister Esplin wasn't feeling well, so we were having a tough time! So I decided with the help of my Sister Training Leaders to read the Book of Mormon as we walked. I read 3 Nephi 11 which is Sister Esplin's favorite!! We were walking up the highway and it was A HILL and so I was out of breath!!! Also I only had my MINI Book of Mormon!! So I tried so hard to read the small print and scream the words hahhahahah you should have seen me hahahahahahha I probably looked like a crazy person!! But I read it and it both made us feel better!! Thursday we met with
Patricia! We decided to make a prayer rock for her that way she will remember to pray and read! Pics to come! We met with a less active from Venezuela and her cute little daughter who happens to be MaryAnne's daughter in law and grand daughter :) We're just teaching the whole family hahahha We had a good lesson with her about prayer and how God answered Joseph Smith's prayer and he will answer ours if we have faith and real intent. We had dinner with Sis. S and Robinette! They are so
funny together!! When it came time for dessert the pie was still frozen so we broke it with our hands hahahahahhahahah Thursday I had a great Chat with President Burt. This week was kind of hard and I just needed his counsel going into this new transfer. He told me "I love you and you have to believe it!!!" hahhaha I'm having a really hard time believing that I'm doing good.....that I am doing awesome that I am awesome!! So now everytime I talk to President and he tells me his signature phrase, "you're so good" he asks me "DO YOU BELIEVE ME???" hahha I love President Burt! He's the best!! Friday night we met with a member family and they are just amazing!!! We did a scripture chase and they were just flying through those pages!!! hahha In the closing prayer one little boy {he's 7, and about to be baptized} he said, "please bless that we'll understand the scriptures" and he blessed us missionaries that we will have success...I HAVEN'T MET A CHILD YET THAT USES SUCH SOPHISTICATED LANGUAGE IN PRAYER!!! HAHAHHA It was so cute :) Saturday it just rained and rained and rained!! The Elders couldn't make an appointment, so we had to take it for them! SWEET!!! We taught in a member's home and she fed us lunch. She's from the Phillipines and she fed us GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really nervous at first but it was okay! It reminded me of the sweetness of beef jerky! So now I've eaten a goat :) bahahha! Later we met with that less- active we met outside 7-11! She was sick, so we didn't make it too long of a lesson :) It was kind of a weird day...the weather is changing and because it's Thankgiving weekend not many people were outside or at home. Sunday was crazy!! One of the STL's was sick, but the other had to give a talk, so I had to go to the YSA branch....I DO NOT MISS IT!!! EVERYONE WAS ON THEIR PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were talking and I was appalled!!!!!!!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS YSA ALL OVER THE WORLD GET OFF YOUR PHONES!!!!! After I picked up Sister Esplin and we went to church!! Family Ward...much better!!! hahahha Since it's Canadian Thanksgiving we had talks on gratitude and all that! It was good! Our Zone Theme is an Attitude of Gratitude this transfer!! We had THANKSGIVING DINNER with Robinette and her family and Sis. S.! Oh my was it yummy!!! SO MUCH FOOD THOUGH!! I was DYING!!! My stomach was so full I was SICK!!! Oh my goodness I never want to feel that way again!! The funniest part is that I didn't even eat THAT MUCH! I took little helpings of everything! Oh the pain!!!! hahahha and we can't just sleep it off we just have to keep working!!!!!! So we went to our next appointment and they gave us ICE CREAM!!! I gave that ice cream the meanest glare of my life!!! hahhahahah but I ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! I literally felt like Violet off of Willy Wonka...Sister Esplin and I were so FULL!!!!!!!! But I'm so GRATEFUL for our wonderful members that invite us over :) They really love us!!
funny together!! When it came time for dessert the pie was still frozen so we broke it with our hands hahahahahhahahah Thursday I had a great Chat with President Burt. This week was kind of hard and I just needed his counsel going into this new transfer. He told me "I love you and you have to believe it!!!" hahhaha I'm having a really hard time believing that I'm doing good.....that I am doing awesome that I am awesome!! So now everytime I talk to President and he tells me his signature phrase, "you're so good" he asks me "DO YOU BELIEVE ME???" hahha I love President Burt! He's the best!! Friday night we met with a member family and they are just amazing!!! We did a scripture chase and they were just flying through those pages!!! hahha In the closing prayer one little boy {he's 7, and about to be baptized} he said, "please bless that we'll understand the scriptures" and he blessed us missionaries that we will have success...I HAVEN'T MET A CHILD YET THAT USES SUCH SOPHISTICATED LANGUAGE IN PRAYER!!! HAHAHHA It was so cute :) Saturday it just rained and rained and rained!! The Elders couldn't make an appointment, so we had to take it for them! SWEET!!! We taught in a member's home and she fed us lunch. She's from the Phillipines and she fed us GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really nervous at first but it was okay! It reminded me of the sweetness of beef jerky! So now I've eaten a goat :) bahahha! Later we met with that less- active we met outside 7-11! She was sick, so we didn't make it too long of a lesson :) It was kind of a weird day...the weather is changing and because it's Thankgiving weekend not many people were outside or at home. Sunday was crazy!! One of the STL's was sick, but the other had to give a talk, so I had to go to the YSA branch....I DO NOT MISS IT!!! EVERYONE WAS ON THEIR PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were talking and I was appalled!!!!!!!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS YSA ALL OVER THE WORLD GET OFF YOUR PHONES!!!!! After I picked up Sister Esplin and we went to church!! Family Ward...much better!!! hahahha Since it's Canadian Thanksgiving we had talks on gratitude and all that! It was good! Our Zone Theme is an Attitude of Gratitude this transfer!! We had THANKSGIVING DINNER with Robinette and her family and Sis. S.! Oh my was it yummy!!! SO MUCH FOOD THOUGH!! I was DYING!!! My stomach was so full I was SICK!!! Oh my goodness I never want to feel that way again!! The funniest part is that I didn't even eat THAT MUCH! I took little helpings of everything! Oh the pain!!!! hahahha and we can't just sleep it off we just have to keep working!!!!!! So we went to our next appointment and they gave us ICE CREAM!!! I gave that ice cream the meanest glare of my life!!! hahhahahah but I ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today has been busy busy! Trying to prepare things for this new transfer! Who knows what miracles it will bring :)
Sister Peterson
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