Here's my week! Monday our plans fell through..bummer...so we stopped by one of our fav members Sis. Stevenson! We were going to surprise her...but then I got scared so we ran away hahahah then we called her and said "We'll be there in 10 but we
were really outside" hahhahahahah We had a great FHE lesson with her after that...Missionary life... Tuesday we had dinner with an awesome family in our ward! Their daughter left the same day I did and she's serving in Gilbert, Arizona!! Anyway...the dinner was great and the son reminds me of Bo and he found a little kitty in the bushes when he was dirt biking so he brought it home..didn't tell his mom...and named it Fergie. It's really cute but his mom was not too happy hahahahha It was hilarious!! We had another lesson with MaryAnne and we brought one of her friends that's in our ward!! It went great!! She wasn't taught as much as we thought in the past so we'll have to start at the beginning with the Restoration but that's okay because the Restoration is AWESOME!!! Also today William and Kate came to Kelowna!!!!!!!!!!!! The town was buzzing!!! hahah THe STL's saw them drive by and William waved at them!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahah This is the closest I'll probably ever get to them so I was really happy!! Also... we were tracting and I put the pass along card in the door....and I SET OFF THE HOUSE ALARM!!!!!! It
LOL!!!! |
scared me!!!! hahahha So we went and knocked on the neighbors door hoping they wouldn't think we were robbing the place and stuff..they weren't home...GREAT!! WE CAN'T JUST RUN AWAY...WE'LL LOOK SUSPICIOUS!!! So we called around the ward and finally someone gave us the non-emergency RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) so we called and I said Hi this is Sister Peterson...I'm a missionary here in Kelowna and....yeah...i set off a house alarm as we were knocking...so I made a report and they had to take my number just incase the home owners asked questions...oh my goodness I lost it!!!! hahahhahahah SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday was good...can't remember.....Ah! We saw patricia and she's doing good! She wants another reading calendar for October so that's good that she still wants to read!! Thursday we went on exchanges!!! I went with Sister Steele! We had a ton of fun! We visted a member family and they had a snake...then they were like...we have 2 more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what?!?! I was freaking out!!! SNAKES ARE NOT MY FAVORITE!!! Sister Steele doesn't like them either but she decided it was the perfect time to conquer her fears so she held all 3!!! 2 in her hands and 1 around her neck!!!! OH MY HECK!!!! IT WAS CRAZY!!!!!
Manny the Praying Mantis |
Our lesson with them was super good! They are missionary minded and really love the scriptures and they are going to start reading the BOM with us as a mission!! Friday Sister Steele and I had a great lesson with Sandra!! She said SHE KNOWS THE BOOK OF MORMON IS THE WORD OF GOD ALONG WITH THE BIBLE!!!! sweet!!!!! Her concerns about Joseph Smith are being resolved little by little and the spirit was super strong in our lesson. I'm learning how to listen more in lessons. I realize that yeah I have things I want to say but I don't have to say it all!! I've been focusing on letting my companions speak and then If I really need to say something then I'll pipe in. i talk to much..especially when it comes to the gospel... that will be a cool change for my family hahahahhaha GET READY!!! :) They kindly reminded me today that I only have 5 months left.. Anyway My exchange with Sister Steele was super good!! She is amazing!! She talks to everyone and she's so easy to talk to and the way she speaks about the gospel is just so natural! You can tell she really knows it to be true!! We had a Frozen Yogurt miracle too!! So all transfer I've wanted some fro-yo well we had 15 min so we decided to go! Sis. Steele is allergic to sugar so I was filling up my fro-yo cup and she started talking to the girl at the counter about the gospel. SHE WAS LIKE GLUED TO SISTER STEELE...LIKE SO INTERESTED IN WHAT SHE WAS
Sister Sassy Pants LOL |
SAYING ABOUT THE GOSPEL AND THE YSA BRANCH!!! It was really cool!! She said she would love to come check it out!! yay!!! When we switched back, Sister Esplin and I went down south and we started walking to a members house and WE ENDED UP WALKING TOO FAR!!! hahah but while we were walking we found a TUMBLEWEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we started singing "home means Nevada...home means the hills!!!" hhahahah it was hilarious!!! Later Sister Esplin had an allergic reaction because of it...that was a little less hilarious.. Then we had an activity/BBQ at the church called 50's and over! We are like over 50% water so we decided to go and see if there were any non-members and they had a great dinner!!! It was a great night!!! Saturday was of course GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!! IT WAS SO GREAT!!! PRESIDENT UCHTDORF'S TALK JUST ANSWERED ALL MY QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE!!! sweet!!! My favorite talks this day were Uchtdorf, McConkie,Andersen,Yamashita, and Oaks!! TONS OF TALKS ABOUT MISSIONARY WORK!!!!! We were so happy!!!! It was also so touching when Pres. Uchtdorf said "Aren't all our missionaries...handsome, beautiful, precious..." and all sorts of stuff!! it made me tear up!!! I just felt so much love from our
Reminders of Home (Tumbleweed) |
leaders like they really understand the struggle and the joys!! Love them!! After Conference we went and contacted a potential and she ended up becoming a new investigator!! We were sitting outside and at first she was like "okay...teach me" and didn't seem to happy but as we taught the restoration her heart softened! She was really drawn to a picture of the Salt Lake Temple!! She is really cool and we're excited to teach her more!! She studies with all religions but she was really happy to learn more about ours!! So that's good!! Transfer calls happened this day too..Sister Esplin and I were expecting a call but then we woke up in the morning and NO CALL So we're staying!! Most everyone in our district is staying!! Sister Ricks is leaving going to Port Moody! It was fun serving with her again! Sunday sessions of Conference were really good too!! I LOVED all the talks!!! They were super good!!!
K. Brett Nattress is coming to our mission in December so we all were super excited to hear him speak!! Overall, Conference was good!! No one came :( we invited so many people though!!!! It was a great week and we're super excited to
study conference more and apply it this transfer!!
I think that's all for now :)
Next week is Canadian Thanksgiving so P-day will be on Tuesday :)
Love you all,
Sister Peterson
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