Midnight Pearl Background

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Week 49: Holy Toast! Another Week Has Gone By!

HOLY TOAST!!!!! We had a great week!!!
Funny Story: 
So Sister Benincosa (Senior Sister Missionary) says Holy Toast...I personally love it, so I stole it and I'm saying it now. Confession though, it's partly because I can't say Holy Cow anymore. I teach a lot of Hindu people who part of their religion is that they worship cows and saying that apparently can be offensive. So I adapt....and now say Holy Toast. 
Alright back to this week....having P-day on a Tuesday throws everything off! This week FLEW BY!!!  Tuesday we had such a fun day planned to go to White Rock and explore, but it was raining!!! Sad day...up side...IT FINALLY RAINED!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! It's been so hot here, and it's starting to get brown so we needed that rain! So we decided to do crafts for P-day!! We bought small canvas' and we PAINTED!!! I'll show you my poor artistic ability next week when It's all finished!! Tuesday was my 11 month mark...ooooo!! hahah It was nothing special I actually forgot which is AWESOME!!! It means I'm not worried about it anymore! I'm to the point where the time I have left is starting to scare me..AHHH!!!! Wednesday we had a great district meeting! Sister Benincosa was taking pictures of us during it and posted it on Facebook!! Luckily she got one where I actually look half decent!! We were accounting for our area!! Last week our percentage was low and this week it was high so I was really excited to account for the work we had done!! Anyway...so District meeting was great!!! We had some really good trainings and I learned a lot! The one I liked the most was on opposition and why we have so much in our lives! I've been reflecting on that lately as we've tried to find new people to teach and struggled to help them progress! My mission is literally a roller coaster! Later that day we stopped by a potential's house and the wife answered and said he wasn't home and that they weren't interested. We kept the conversation going with her, and as we were talking and about ready to leave she says "Oh there he is!" He was walking home from work!!! HE HAD THE RESTORATION PAMPHLET IN HIS HAND!!!!!!!! We asked him if he had read it he said YES!!! Then he said I have a question! He opened up to the picture of the 1st vision and we noticed that the part of the pamphlet that talks about The Restoration and the Restoration of the Priesthood was MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simoa our awesome Member Missionary!
It had the picture of the 1st vision, but then it had the Book of Mormon page next...NO WONDER HE HAD QUESTIONS!!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE PAMPHLET WAS MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S THE UNIQUE MESSAGE WE SHARE TO THE WORLD!!!! Oh...face palm! BUT HERE DO A PUZZLE WITH YOUR SALVATION & ETERNITY! So we gave him a new pamphlet ...obviously.....and he asked us his questions and it was AWESOME!!! The fact that he still wanted to learn even after half of his pamphlet was missing showed us that the Spirit was working on his heart!!! His wife stayed with us the whole time and she asked questions too and we set up another appointment with both of them so THEY BOTH BECAME NEW INVESTIGATORS!!!!!! It was sweet!!!! Andre has so much desire to find truth! You can see it in his face when you are explaining things! it was really cool!! We were so happy we kept talking to the wife and caught him coming home from work or else we would have never gone back....Heavenly Father is just so good!! Right after that we had to run to a dinner appointment and right after that we had a GREAT lessons with the kids of a less-active in our ward!! They are so ready to be baptized we just have to wait until they have permission! But they love the gospel so much!!! They love reading their Book of Mormon! We taught them about sacrament meeting and it clicked for them. They finally understood what it means to take the sacrament and we set alarms on their phones so they can wake up for church! The 7 yr old girl was saying the closing prayer and she said "I'm grateful we can go to church! YAY!!!!!!" It was the cutest thing ever! Then when we were talking about how they felt when they took the sacrament she said "you feel good, it's like a clear spirit." I loved the way she described it!! Little kids are
so close to the spirit!!! It was great!! 
Thursday was THE BIGGEST MIRACLE OF ALL!!!! So we had tried to get a female member to come to a lesson with one of our potentials whose a man. WE COULDN'T FIND ANYONE!! So we just decided we were going to stop by and reschedule. So we go and explain a little and he says, "Let me just ask my tenet Debbie." In our minds were like yeah she will LOVE to meet with the missionaries hahahahahah So
The Summer's from Salmon Idaho!!!!
he asks and she says, YES AND JUST WALKS IN WITH US TO SIT DOWN AND HAVE A LESSON!!! WHAT?!?!?! So we're teaching Joslyn the Restoration and he is asking lots of good questions and the Spirit was really strong!! We taught him in like 20 min because we were worried about Debbie the tenet getting bored and wanting to leave! But the whole time she was saying things that made me wonder...had she met with missionaries before???? So we asked her and she said, "I WAS ACTUALLY ON MY WAY TO BECOMING A MORMON...I TOOK THE LESSONS IN 100 MILE HOUSE AND I WAS 2 LESSONS AWAY FROM BEING BAPTIZED. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE MORMON" WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 HOLY TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We would have never of found her or knocked on the side door of the house, but Heavenly Father was looking out for us and he provided a way for us to meet Debbie the Tenet!!!!!!! She said she hadn't prayed about he Book of Mormon yet, and we invited her to come to our next lesson on Thursday and do you know what she said people, "Any time!" MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE!!! SO....WE GOT 2 MORE NEW INVESTIGATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't believe what had happened!! We were planning on just rescheduling and we were kind of bummed but HEAVENLY FATHER GAVE US SOMETHING SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!! It was awesome!! Then Joslyn called us 20 min later and said that Debbie asked for his Book of Mormon because she couldn't find hers and he needed a new one!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!! They are keeping each other accountable for reading and coming to church too!! hahahah  Friday was way good as well!!! We asked a new member of our ward Simoa from New Zealand to come with us to a lesson!!!

She's an RM from the Philippines and so she was so excited!!! Our investigator didn't show at the church, so we were just standing outside and a family starts walking through the church parking lot...we started chatting and they say their from Idaho...WE IMMEDIATELY ASKED WHAT PART...Sister Magleby being from Idaho Falls and all...and they said SALMON, IDAHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What!?!?! My wonderful grandparents live in the really, really small town of Salmon, Idaho. I asked if they knew Bill and Merlene Peterson(my grandparents), The Bills (my aunt, uncle, and cousins) the whole Clan basically and they said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so awesome!!!!!! They are in the same ward as my awesome cousiin Nathan and Elisha!!! Their last name is Summers! I almost cried it was so great!!!!!! They were on their way to Vancouver Island and they stayed the night in their super sweet tour bus by the Stake Center!!! It was a little tender mercy :) So after our investigator no showed...we were planning on dropping Simoa off, but SHE ENDED UP STAYING THE WHOLE DAY WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10am to 8:30pm!! She's a rock star!!!!!! She helped us so much!!!!!!! We had a really fun day and taught so many lessons!!!!! Saturday we were walking to our investigators house, and the street we were walking down was closed off and there was a Sikh temple celebration going on!! We thought it was just one block so we kept walking through every one...well it lasted 10 blocks!!! And it ended just before our investigators house!!! We stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd and everyone kept looking at us!! Oh my goodness it was funny as we tried to pass by!
There was SO MUCH FOOD!!!! It was really cool to experience that! Canada is so culturally diverse!!!! It was like we were in India with the music, the language, and the street food!!! Pretty cool :) Today we are going to try and find Sari's the clothes they wear!!! 
Sunday was really good! We had a great Sabbath and we were able to go on splits with Sister Benincosa and she taught me my new phrase: Holy Toast!!! ahhahahahaha It makes me laugh so hard!!!! We had a great dinner appointment with Simoa and her aunt and uncle and they made some GOOD FOOD! The spirit is always so strong in their house and we always have such good gospel conversations there!! I'm sad they are moving soon :( At the end they gave us the leftovers...including some corn on the cob!!!!! YUM!!! We didn't have time to run it home so we just left it in our car...after we came out of our lesson we got in and I about hurled you guys!!!! hahahah OUR CAR SMELLED LIKE CORN AND IT WAS SO STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love corn...it's my fav food...but the overwhelming smell of corn was so bad!!!! Sister Magleby made me pull over and she got out and moved it to the trunk but the damage had been done! So we drove home with the windows open and heater blasting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahhah It was hilarious!!!!!! I'm excited to eat Corn on the Cob for lunch though :) Overall we had a GREAT WEEK FILLED WITH SO MANY MIRACLES!!!!!!! Love you all and thank you for your good thoughts and prayers on my behalf :)  It's wonderful to know I have such great support back home :)

Sister Peterson

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