Midnight Pearl Background

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 5: One Month Anniversary

Warning! This week's email is going to be short! People are finally starting to write me so my whole 2 hours to email seems like nothing!! I'll start with a funny/painful story. So mornings we take the trash out to the road. I was walking down our stairs and next thing I know i'm FALLING!!!!! I fell so hard!!!!!! I just laid in a ball on the tile at the bottom and I was like WHAT THE HECK I'M TOTALLY DEAD!!! The lady we live with heard and she came running in!! Apparently I'm not the first
Miracle Beach (It wasn't that miraculous)
missionary to fall down those stairs!! It hurt so bad!!! My whole left side was just numb and bruised!!! I don't think I broke anything though. Anyway later that night we were parked and we saw this guy walking and we were like we need to talk to him!!! I said "Let's role play" in hopes of making it more natural. I was going to say "Did you find it or Was it in the Trunk?" Well I'm getting out of the car and my purse strap was wrapped around my leg and SURPRISE.......I FELL!!!!! IN THE DIRT! ON THE SAME SIDE I FELL ON EARLIER IN FRONT OF THIS MAN!!!! My companion Sister Ricks...bless her heart thought I was role playing and that I was just dedicated!!! Meanwhile I'm on the ground my leg is bleeding and I'm like "SISTER THAT IS THE SECOND TIME I'VE FALLEN TODAY!!! I'M SO MAD!!!" She's then talks to the man, "Hi we're your new missionaries do you have any spiritual beliefs!?" It was sooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am black & blue and scraped up but I'm doing good!! Haha I testify that Deep Blue rub from DoTerra is magical and works wonders :) 
One minute I think I'm adjusted to this missionary life the next I'm a wreck...don't think it will change but
Nanaimo Zone Meeting
for all of you thinking about missions...IT IS NOT EASY!! Its is some of the hardest work you will do but also some of the most rewarding! I've already made so many friends and memories!! It's great! Friday was my ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!! 17 left! The days are long but time flies by!!! Can't believe a month ago I entered the MTC and started all this!! Anywho....We got to take a roadtrip to Nanaimo for a Zone Meeting! Roadtrips are the bomb.com because you get to see other missionaries and you get really good trainings!!! I love the sisters in our zone!! They are so dedicated and fun! After Zone meeting we drove back to Campbell River and because it was my "one month Birthday!" we decided to do
something fun and get Tim Horton's pumpkin hot chocolate and a doughnut before curfew! It was good!! General Conference this weekend was AMAZING!!!!! I love the 3 new apostles Elder Rasband, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Renlund!!! Everyone's talks were great and emphasized things I really needed to hear. It's been great to see our investigators get excited for conference and watch it and feel the holy ghost! We were indoors a lot this week, but we still met some pretty cool people and some great experiences!
Yesterday we were tracting and this little girl (probably 2 years old) saw us and was so happy!!! She ran up to Sister Ricks and gave her a huge hug and kept saying HI HI HI!!! Her parents were like who are these weirdos and were wishing their daughter would come inside. Even after we left she kept saying BYE and waved to us!! It was so sweet!!! It was like she knew we were good people. Hahaha We have been really praying this week to find people who are prepared to hear our message. We have a goal of 3 baptisms this month and in our efforts of trying to follow the spirit we have been guided to some incredible people and had some great conversations! 'We can do all things through Christ' and if we will just have faith and be in tune
My District!
with the spirit everything will work out and we will be blessed. This applies to everyone's lives. Heavenly Father wants to bless us so much and by taking that simple step of faith we can receive so many blessings and tender mercies!! 
Always remember CPR: Church. Pray. Read. This is something I have to remind myself of daily! As a missionary I have to be as spiritually prepared as I can in order to help others come unto Christ. All of you are missionaries and can contribute to the work. As you dedicate yourself to praying, attending church, and studying the scriptures (PONDERIZE IS MY NEW FAVORITE WORD FROM GENERAL CONFERENCE! It just fits so well!) you will see miracles in your life and help others come closer to Christ. Pray for missionary opportunities! I know the Sister/Elders in your ward will appreciate it. Next week will be Canadian Thanksgiving!!!! WOOHOO!!! So I won't be emailing until Tuesday :)

Love you all,
Sister Peterson

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