Midnight Pearl Background

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Week 80: I CAN DO IT

This will have to be short! We are sight-seeing in Vancouver today so I don't have as much time to email :)
Monday- we were driving with the STL's to go get our car that got stuck on the hill the night before and they got in an accident...we are all okay but the other ladies car is messed up....the STL's car is brand new and looked fine... still sad though :( Once we got our car we went and had dinner with Russ and Rachel my relatives that live in Port
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Moody! They are so nice and we made plans to meet and have dinner and stuff when I come back with my family in May!!! So cool!!! Later that night we helped a couple in our ward sign up for family history and I realized 1) I'm so grateful I have family that has already done so much work! 2) I love family history so much Tuesday-We met with Rose! We taught her a little before but let her "reflect" for a little bit. We did an overview of the Book of Mormon and she finally realized she needed to read on her own and be more committed! Super cool! Our member Sister Howitt took us out to lunch! She recently lost her husband and she needed to get out of the house. While we were there she started pointing and freaking out... "IT'S THE PREMIER OF BC!!!!!" I was like...what in the world is that...well apparently it's like the Governor or President of BC. She came over and talked with us...I think her name was Christy Clark. She talked to us about how we were missionaries and how we were doing a great job :) We talked a little about the church it was really cool! She was with Steve Darling who's a sports broadcaster I think and he's a candidate or
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something...anyway it was super cool. The photographer was snapping pictures of us left and right while we talked to her and we made sure our name tags were shown hahahahah 
Wednesday- I woke up and just had a strong desire to bear my testimony to someone who was bashing me! I didn't pray for it, but I thought about it. Well later that day we met some people who were just bashing us so bad!!!! They were manipulative and so rude!!! It was crazy!!!!!! But I just kept calm and bore my testimony and at the end we agreed to agree on our belief in Christ and it was all good :) I now have a testimony that God knows our desires and answers our unspoken prayers!!! He is so aware of us!!! We had a really great district meeting I learned so much!!! I LOVE MISSIONS!!! Thursday- We met with our recent convert Duean and she is doing great! She has such a strong testimony and she is just wonderful!  We had dinner with the Dortons and she signed up to feed us 2 more times before I go home!!! She is so great! She is so excited to feed me my "Last Supper" hahahah She said ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! I love them!!! They are going straight to the
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Celestial Kingdom!! 
Friday was good until I remembered later that night... oh yeah I'm going home...then I cried and Sister Amat had to help me....I feel like a 2 yr old....It's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I'm super excited to go home and see my family but leaving the mission is the hardest thing.  Saturday- We met with Alice at the library to talk about family history and she said, "I read somewhere in the Bible that there will be more prophets and scripture, I wonder when that will happen..." I WAS LIKE UM.......WE NEED TO TEACH THE RESTORATION!!! So we did and she is so excited to pray about it and see it's true!!!  We walked all over the place today and it was so fun!!! I was asked to give a talk on Sunday too, so I had to plead with members to print me off some talks and quotes hahahah It was crazy!! Sunday- I gave my talk on Oaths. It was interesting. Sister Amat said it was good, but I know she's just being a good companion hahahah. Alice came to church which was AWESOME!!!!! Church was just so good!!!  In Relief Society we talked a lot about what I've been struggling with lately, giving credit to myself for the good things I'm doing and forgiving myself for my mistakes. One sister asked, "How do you not feel bad for the things you didn't accomplish...I know we can't be perfect but...?" The old ladies in our ward are just SO comical and one said, "Honey, yes you can be perfect....you'll be dead!" hahahhahahah Then another one said when you're having a bad day...look in the mirror and PUT YOUR LIPSTICK ON!!!" HAHAHHAHAHAHA  They
Mission Accomplished ;)
talked a lot about positive affirmations and it was just so good! Something we all needed to hear! They said, "Don't get buried!" Take one task at a time or one day at a time. Sometimes we think we can get everything done but we can't. We just do our best...good advice for home! 
We ended our night with coordination meeting and I t felt so good to present our week and all the things we got done! We worked hard this week!!! Overall it's been great :) I've starting doing something new where I put little smiley face stickers in my planner whenever I feel super happy, a miracle happened...etc. It's really helped me to see that I am doing good and that good things are happening!!
This week is going to be great! Lot of things to do and lots of miracles to find!!!
Love you,
Sister Peterson

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