Midnight Pearl Background

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 79: Finally....A Week of Miracles

Wow...this week was packed full of so much stuff....
Monday was a great p-day!! Sister Steele helped me go shopping so I could buy some "going home clothes" Well We decided halfway through that one of my dresses is just too fabulous and I should just buy some shoes! hahahha So she took me to go get shoes and I found the cutest pair!!! I am so excited!!!! Later Monday night we had Family Home Evening at Bishop's house! His wife made yummy Korean food and our recent converts Duean and Hamid came!!! Our lesson was legit! We taught about
scripture study and we had a Book of Mormon in English, Korean, Thai, and Farsi!!!! IT'S AMAZING THAT WE CAN ALL READ THE BOOK OF MORMON IN WHATEVER LANGUAGE WE UNDERSTAND!!! SO COOL!!! Later we had an appointment with a member family. At the end, the son came out and his mom said, "They are just leaving." and he took that as we are going HOME, like ending our mission. Well apparently he has a crush on Sister Amat because he asked for her email so he could "keep in contact with her" hahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahahh I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU HOW AWKWARD IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH Then we had to tell him, "we're just leaving your house actually." Anyway we laughed all the way home!!! Tuesday we did some service! IT WAS SO GREAT!!! I LOVE IT!!!! We had a lesson set up with a potential, but she cancelled last minute :( bummer! We had a great day of finding though!  Wednesday we drove to Burnaby for District Meeting and I wore my fancy new shoes. They are so fabulous! I was asked to bear my testimony about working with members (very fitting since that's what I've been focusing on this week!) I shared a story from Kelowna and I just remembered how awesome my mission has been! How I have seen the hand of the Lord everyday! Later we stopped by a former investigator and when we got there Sister Amat said this is where Maliheh a recent convert lives. Turns out the former is her daughter. From what we've heard Maliheh has decided to go to a different church and is not interested in coming back :( SO we decided to just
go and talk to the daughter. Well the daughter moved, but Maliheh was home and invited us in! She's from Iran and speaks Farsi and her English is so much better now than it was when she first started investigating! We talked about the Book of Mormon and she said she knows it's true and she feels so good at church and that she wanted to start coming again!!!!!!! So we set up a ride for her, a translator for sacrament. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! Then, it snowed on Sunday so only a few people came :( Anyway...funny story...we were walking through the mall and I was just looking around and BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I RAN SMACK INTO A HUGE PILLAR IN THE MALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LIKE "WHAT THE HECK!!! I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sister Amat said no one saw, but I'm pretty sure they did hahahahahha I was dying it was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday we had a great visit with one of our members! She wants to come contacting with us at the bus loops!!! So we role played with her about how we can refer to the Restoration simply and it was so good!!!!! I asked her to pretend she was an investigator "if the missionaries came to your door what would you expect of them?" She said "I would want them to answer my questions" So now when I talk to people I tell them that we're out today answering people's questions and we've gotten some good conversations started!!! Friday we tried the bus loops and we talked to a couple people and they knew exactly who we were!! It was cool! One lady had the cutest umbrella! It was clear and had high heels printed on the vinyl around the trim. I commented on it and we started talking she noticed my badge and we had a good chat and then she walked away...then I hear "Sister Peterson..." I turn around "Let's swap...she closed her umbrella and wanted to give it to
me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said oh my goodness I can't take your umbrella!!!! I told her that we travel a lot as missionaries and it would have to fit in my carry on bag so I couldn't take it...she said "thank you so much for the good work your doing!!". Oh my goodness! It was so awesome!!!!! Later that day we had a great lesson with Sister Chen and her baby :) We brought one of our fav members Sis. Dorton!! THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG IN OUR LESSON!!!!!!!!! Super powerful! It reassured me of my testimony of the restoration! 
THEN....man I am writing a ton this week but that's good right??? WE WENT ON EXCHANGES FRIDAY NIGHT!!!! I went with Sister Steele and since neither of our companions drive I had to drive to North Vancouver....I FINALLY SAW THE VANCOUVER SKY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PRETTY!!!!!! Sister Steele and I had a blast in Port Moody!!! WE "tore it up!!" We worked a lot on our area book  and we found 5 formers that are still interested in learning!!!!! We even set up appointments for saturday and I was finally able to teach some investigators!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! We had way too much fun and we got so much work done too!!!! So many miracles happened this weekend!!! At the end of our exchange Sister Steele was talking about how I go home soon...and she asked me for some advice. I literally started bawling...GOING HOME IS NOT FUN PEOPLE!! It's so hard :( I feel like I'm dying or something!!! Like I'm being thrown into the front lines of life...It's so bittersweet. I told Sister Steele to just make sure she's fulfilling her purpose everyday! She is literally the most dedicated missionary I know so I don't know why she asked me for advice!! hahah But yeah the struggle is real...I am so emotional about
going home! It's really weird and not at all what I expected! but everytime I tear up and cry it reminds me that my mission is so special to me and that It really has changed me and meant the world to me!!! I'm excited to see what the next 2 1/2 weeks have in store!!!!! 
Sunday we woke up and it had snowed...when it snows here everyone freaks out so we were just waiting for the call that church was cancelled....then they called and said we would only be having sacrament today! yay!!! AT LEAST WE COULD TAKE THE SACRAMENT!! I've come to LOVE sundays and I find that I desperately need to take the sacrament each week in order to feel normal! So we went and there was about 20 people there! hahah It was testimony meeting and we filled up all the time despite there being low numbers. I of course got up and bore my testimony...I really didn't know what to say but then it came to me...I had read this week the visiting teaching message in the ensign and it's all about Nephi and the enabling power of the atonement! I realized when I read that, that I had been praying for God to just help me and bless me with what I wanted...but I should actually be praying to be strengthened by him so that I, Sister Peterson, can go out and do the will of the Lord. It talked about how Nephi was bound with the cords and they didn't just magically fall off...Nephi was blessed with the strength to break the bands himself. Later that night it started snowing bad again....we left our member appointment at 8:45 and we realized quick that our little car wasn't going to make it up the hill plus there was an accident blocking the road...so we tried the other way..it was a steep hill so we coudln't make it down. Our tires were so bad that I didn't want to chance getting in an accident. So we called President Burt and we started calling around the ward to see if people could come get us. No one wanted to drive up there because it was so bad...so we decided we would take everything out of our car and leave it there all night and hike down to the main road (wasn't
that far) so we got to the main road and there were two member families out there looking for us! They finally found us and we were able to get a ride home! We didn't get home untill about
 11pm!!!!!! crazy!!!!!! It was like a rescue operation. Bro and Sis. Tolman called President Burt and said "President, We got em!" it was like in the movies where it's super "high stress situation" and then everyone celebrates once the people are saved hahahahahhahahahahhaha so funny!!!! Anyway! Crazy night!!! So we're car-less today so the sisters are driving us around until we can go back!! hahah Anyway...that was my week...full of adventures and craziness and TEACHING!!!!! I CAN'T BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM THAT I WAS ABLE TO TEACH SOME INVESTIGATORS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!! 
Thanks for all your prayers and for reading my emails each week :) 
love you guys!
Sister Peterson

***this week I hit my 18 month mark so we went to RED ROBIN TO CELEBRATE!!! I TOOK A BALLOON!!!! HAHHAHA It was really cool because I was able to pray to Heavenly Father and say...I have dedicated exactly 18 months to you and this work and that's what I promised him I would do! I'm super stoked I have 2-3 more weeks left though so I can just work so hard and see even more miracles!!!!!!!!!!

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