This week was great!!! I have less to write because I JUST EMAILED ON TUESDAY!!! HAHAH My letters will probably still be always :) The rest of Tuesday was so good!! We went and visited a member in our ward! She is blind and we went to
Birthday Candy Stash from the fam |
read the book of mormon to her!! It was a really humbling experience. Her love for the book of mormon is stronger than ever and she has to rely on others to read it to her so she was THRILLED when we said we wanted to come visit her!! I can't imagine loosing my sight. She grew up in Germany and she was explaining to us what she remembers about where she grew up. She still has all of those images in her mind and the way she described them was so vivid!! Oh man!! I must go to Germany now!!!
Wednesday September 7th was my birthday! THE BIG 2-3 hahahahha I feel so old now!!! hahahah Birthday's on the mission are alright....we try to make them fun!!! So my companion was so sweet!! We played tennis for exercise with some cheap BRIGHT PINK rackets from the Dollar tree it was HILARIOUS!!! People were staring at us like we were crazy! Then she made me YUMMY pancakes for breakfast!! We had district meeting and had lots of good trainings as always!! After the Sister Training Leaders Sister Ricks (my mom/trainer) and Sister Steele took me to Wendy's and got me lunch...FROSTYS!!!!!! woohooo!!! I got my birthday packages from my family and my dad sent me a list of my favorite candy I made before I went in to the MTC and he sent me all the candy on the list!!!! hahahha I SCRIBBLED
My favorite scent!!! |
THAT LIST 1 YR AGO AND MY FAMILY KEPT IT!!!!! THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!! We then visited a less active in our ward. The theme of our lesson was "I am a Child of God" and we used Elder Hallstrom's talk from last conference. We were talking and she said "I haven't sang that song in a long time"...we decided to sing it!! She had forgotten the words but we couldn't help but feel the spirit as she closed her eyes and tried to sing the words with us. It was a tender mercy to see how she felt Heavenly Father's love for her through this simple song. Sometimes we take lightly the knowledge that we are children of God...THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!! WE ARE HIS CHILDREN!! HE LOVES US SO MUCH!!!! WE NEED TO BELIEVE IT!!! We then had a good lesson with Patricia! She asked us for a Book of Mormon reading calendar so we made one up and she's really excited to keep reading the Book of Mormon!! We ended our night with Coordination! Let me tell you I love our Ward Mission Leader here!! He is SO FUNNY!!!!!! We had cupcakes and all that fun stuff!! Overall it was a good birthday!!! I missed my family as always but I felt so loved by everyone else :) Thursday we had a sweet member visit with one
Our Investigator Patricia |
of our favorite members Sister Stevenson! She is an artist and she paints the most beautiful pieces!! She paints brides and they are AMAZING PAINTINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She needs to be famous!! I wanted to take a pic to show you but I thought that might be weird and against some sort of law or something...her house is like an art gallery!! She is so talented!!! Friday we had a lesson with our investigator Jenny and her baby!!! We brought a member that has a baby around the same age and it was so fun!!! We had some interruptions...crying...exploding diapers...feeding time...teething time...BUT it turned out to be a good lesson!!! Jenny's faith is growing little by little and she is coming closer to God :) It's awesome to see!!!! Also I just LOVE BABIES!!!!!! I found out like 4 of my cousins just had new babies or are having a baby in the next couple weeks (Kaley :)) and all my friends are having babies and I just miss them!!!! I'm going to come home to a whole clan of babies though!!! Woohoo!!! We ended Friday night with a visit to a sister in our ward!!! She's a hoot!! We LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! She makes us laugh so hard!!! We read a GREAT chapter in the Book of Mormon and she messed up one of the words and we just couldn't stop laughing!!! She's such a great member!!! hahahah After we left her house we were in a rush to get home it was 8:50pm...almost pumpkin time (Cinderella
Birthday Breakfast by Sis. Esplin |
reference for all those that are still thinking about that one...) We were walking out and we passed this lady on the steps...then Sister Esplin said "Wait!" She went back and started talking to this lady! She gave her a Jesus Picture and the lady said "How did you know I needed him right now?" IT WAS SO COOL!!!! THE SPIRIT TOLD SISTER ESPLIN SHE NEEDED...NEEEDED!!! TO GO TALK TO THAT LADY!!! So we had a full on conversation with her about Jesus Christ and her belief and we explained to her the Book of Mormon and shared some uplifting scriptures! She accepted a copy and we said we could call her in the future!! It was a really great experience!! God is always putting people in our path but if we are moving to fast or not focused on our purpose we can pass them by just like that! I'm so grateful for my companion and that she followed that prompting!!! Awesome miracle!! Saturday was fun!! I GOT TO SPEND THE WHOLE DAY WITH SISTER RICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA We laughed so hard about our time in Campbell River it was seriously so fun to just remember and go back!!! oh my goodness we had so much fun there!!! So
Sister Selfie |
many miracles too!! We met with Gertrude our 103 yr old investigator! We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and she was so excited to read it!!! We were going to read a verse and to our surprise she started reading it and loved it!!! We had a lesson with one of our recent converts Jenny!! She is so good!!! She is a single mama right now and she just loves the gospel!!! She ordered us Chinese Take out (she makes her 9 yr old daughter order it..."It's a life skill" she says) hahahahah We had a really good lesson about Abinadi and we put our tag on her little girl and told her she was the missionary and she needed to teach her mom about God. It was so cute to hear her little testimony about how God helps her and how she prays!!! Oh I love it!!! Sunday was good! Patricia came to church!! AMEN HALLELUJAH (she always says that hahah) We had a good rest of the day..nothing too exciting happened! We just talked with a lot of great people here in Kelowna!!! I love it here!!! The people are awesome and it's just now beginning to feel like fall and all the trees (so many trees here!!!!) are changing color!!! I will send more pics next week of that!!
I think that's it for now :)
Really good week!!!
Bye for now!!
Sister Peterson
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