Meet Sister Esplin!!! |
Monday - Sister Esplin and I decided we were going to RELAX, so we took a stroll on the boardwalk by Okanagan Lake. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! It REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF LAKE TAHOE!!!! Clear water!!! We got some gelato...oh my goodness it was the BEST!!!! So great!!! Later that night we had dinner with one of our members!! She's Filipino, so she made us some really good food! There were two other ladies there and we got to talking and found out that one of them wasn't a member!!!!! We were like "YOUR NOT A MEMBER!!?!?!" SHE SAID "NOT YET!!!!" {love that phrase}So we taught her about the Book of Mormon and she said she wanted to learn!!! Heavenly Father has been blessing us so much!!! Little miracles just keep falling in our laps!!!! Later that night we got a call from President Burt, and he asked us if we would MOVE into a new basement suite!!!!! We looked at our beloved vaulted ceilings and sky light and mustered up our Nephi like courage and said YES.... :( So all week we were preparing for that!!! Tuesday - We got a text from a random number and they said they were a member and they needed a visit at the hospital!! It
was awesome because the night before we felt like we needed to be around the hospital and this is why!!! She was in the ICU, so we got escorted to her room!! She was in pretty good condition and we chatted and laughed and we shared a short message!! It really brightened her spirits and ours!! Sister Esplin thought of a new joke this day too: 'Are you nuns...we'll have nun of that!!!!!" She laughed pretty hard!!!
SO CRAZY STORY....SUPER AWKWARD: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA We met with an investigator Hilda today she's 90 something and afterwards we were driving away and this biker came out of no where on the sidewalk and I almost ran into him, so I rolled down my window and apologized. Well he started talking to us. I'm just chillin in the middle of the street like 'uh excuse me....I can't see the on coming traffic...stop talking hahaha' but we told him that we were missionaries. He said his name, I can't remember it and that he was from Jamaica...and he wanted to be my friend. I was like, "oh thats cool! Well we just teach people about Jesus Christ." He then asked if I was married...I said "No, I'm a missionary!!!!" He said okay well after your mission will you get married...I said yes, when I go home to the states....and he said, "Okay so we will be friends now and then we'll get married after your mission." People, at this point I was pretty creeped out and not at all flattered hahahaha. I just met this man and now he wants to marry me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!! I politely told him no and that if he was interested in JESUS CHRIST he could call the Elders and then we sped away!!!!!!! hahaha WE LAUGHED FOR SO LONG AFTER THAT!!!!!!! I WAS LIKE WHAT IN THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yes I got proposed too. The only way to describe it is in a way only Pride and Prejudice fans would understand...It was like I was refusing Mr. Collins!!!!!!!!!
Thursday- We finally stopped laughing about me getting proposed too. We did some service for a lady today and as we were working she was just telling us stories and she knew so much about the church it shocked us!!! It was like she was a member!!! hahaha We had a rocky lesson with one of our investigators this day. We were teaching and one of them kept bringing up things against the church, and we were so surprised because she is usually so for the church!!! We had to stop the lesson short because it was just getting too confrontational and the spirit was leaving!!! It made us so sad :( It made us realize how much we love this church and how much we love all the aspects of the church!!! I apparently said a really cool phrase as I was trying to rely on the spirit and not on myself.. hahah I said, "As representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and of Jesus Christ himself we stand by the church and all it's endeavors." That's a pretty sweet testimony!!! Thanks Spirit!!! You don't realize how much you love something until it's attacked and you're put on the spot to testify of it!!! :) Missions are wonderful!!! We had dinner at a member's and they have a Great Dane named Max and I'M IN LOVE WITH GREAT DANES!!!!!
Friday - Today I hit my 1 year mark, and to celebrate I got a Blizzard :) Typical Canada Vancouver Sister Missionary :) We taught our investigator Patricia again, and she is so ready for baptism!!! She wants to quit
smoking SO BAD!!!! We have been working so hard with her!!! She is so ready!!!!! Almost there!!! She won't be baptized on September 24th, but in the future for sure!!!!! We had another lesson with one of investigators, Suzanne. It was really good!! We brought one of our favorite members and they both are artists, so they got along well!!! It was such a relaxed lesson. We prayed. Taught. Felt the Spirit. Prayed. THEN SHE GAVE US REFRESHMENTS {bonus!!!} She was so sweet!!! The lesson went really good and she loves the Book of Mormon!!! :)
smoking SO BAD!!!! We have been working so hard with her!!! She is so ready!!!!! Almost there!!! She won't be baptized on September 24th, but in the future for sure!!!!! We had another lesson with one of investigators, Suzanne. It was really good!! We brought one of our favorite members and they both are artists, so they got along well!!! It was such a relaxed lesson. We prayed. Taught. Felt the Spirit. Prayed. THEN SHE GAVE US REFRESHMENTS {bonus!!!} She was so sweet!!! The lesson went really good and she loves the Book of Mormon!!! :)
Saturday - MOVING DAY!!!!!!!!!! This day was stressful!!! We had to move everything into our new place and the Elders were moving in!!!! We were sad to leave our old place, but our new place is SO GREAT!!!! The members we live with spruced it up for us :) There's a washer and dryer which is a huge blessing to us missionaries!!! A TUB WITH JETS!!!!! What?!?!?!! It's like we're in a hotel!!!!! And a heater that looks like a fireplace :) IT'S SO NICE!!!!!!!!! We love our new humble abode :) Everything went well and we got everyone situated, and then we went back out to work!!!
Sunday- BEST FAST SUNDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a really cool meeting with some
less actives that are coming back to church and we watched the Restoration DVD with them after dinner and she said, "I haven't felt the Spirit in a long time!!!" All of us were teary eyed!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SYDNI TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SISTER!!!!!
Okanagan Lake |
Monday- Labor Day now to be named DAY OF MIRACLES!!!! Mark that on your calendars people! We were walking down the street and a lady just stopped us and asked are you Mormons???? We said uh heck yes!!! She said she had just met the Elders yesterday and wanted to meet up again!!! So we set up an appointment for them and she was so happy!!!! Then just a little further down the road we met another guy who just happened to be baptized 24 yrs ago and hasn't been back since!!!! We gave him a new copy of the Book of Mormon and he said he had actually been thinking about going back to church these last few days!!! WHAT?!?! Then we got a call from our Recent Convert Rick and he said that his friend Gertrude wanted to learn about the Gospel. She's 103 yrs old, and no one has ever talked to her about an after life!! {are you kidding!?!?} So we ran over
there to the care home and taught her the Plan of Salvation and she understood it all!!! We told her she could be with her husband for eternity, and she started crying. It was the sweetest thing!! This woman has been through a lot in 103 years!!! She is so great and the Spirit was so strong!!! Then to end our week. We were leaving our members' house and I got out to get my cardigan out of the trunk and I HEARD A BEAR GROWL AT ME!!!!! I grabbed my cardi and ran so fast into the car!! We both were like, "Sister! Did you hear that!!!!!!" Oh so scary!!! That was it for this week :) A lot of fun eh?????
there to the care home and taught her the Plan of Salvation and she understood it all!!! We told her she could be with her husband for eternity, and she started crying. It was the sweetest thing!! This woman has been through a lot in 103 years!!! She is so great and the Spirit was so strong!!! Then to end our week. We were leaving our members' house and I got out to get my cardigan out of the trunk and I HEARD A BEAR GROWL AT ME!!!!! I grabbed my cardi and ran so fast into the car!! We both were like, "Sister! Did you hear that!!!!!!" Oh so scary!!! That was it for this week :) A lot of fun eh?????
Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!!!
Sister Peterson
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