HOLY COW!!! Another week gone!?! I swear now that I'm in the city things go much faster and I feel like our weeks are so much busier!!! I do miss quiet walks through the forest and the ocean!!! GAHH!!!! I MISS THE OCEAN SO MUCH!!!!! Anywho...I'll save you from all that...this week was good! Monday we had a rockin' P-day
Missing the Ocean :( |
filled with laundry, email, and cleaning...nothing better! We ate at a members house and she is from Nigeria and she always feeds us authentic African food! Derek....Elder Lechem would have been proud!!! Haha Tuesday we did some service for a lady who is moving! It was quite sad! She's lived in the same house for 40+ years!!! So it was fun to go through her old pictures and hear of her memories! Tuesday night one of the recent converts here Beth...went to the temple to do baptisms!! We wish we could have been in there but we couldn't so we just took a picture outside as we ran to our meeting in the church!! Hahaha Tuesday night Sister Hawke and I bought helium balloons from the Dollar Store and well....we made a HILARIOUS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the first time I tried sucking helium so it was SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't send the video home because it's too big so after the mission i'll for sure post it on Facebook AGH so funny you guys!!!! I said "Sorry mom...my brain cells are going" then we sang
Hey there Moroni... |
Called to Serve in a super high voice!! Oh my goodness...if only you could watch!!! Sister Hawke and I HAVE WAY TO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's great!!! Wednesday we had a district meeting!! I gave a training on OUR POTENTIAL it was really cool! I got those magic capsules that disolve and grow in hot water! I got dinosaurs of course! and used that as my object lesson! We all see ourselves as something small like one of those little capsules!! BUT when we put it in water or nourish it, it grows into something 10 x better!!! Let me tell you...those Elders were so happy!!!! Hahaha after the meeting they went to the other district and said look what we got in our training!! They were like little kids...they're only like 18 yrs old...still children I guess! hahah After District meeting we had a lesson with Kerry
our new investigator who had a mighty change of heart and set up a lesson!!! We met with her and taught the
Bad Weather in B.C. |
Restoration and she LOVED it!!! She totally thinks it could be true and when we gave her the Book of Mormon she WAS SO EXCITED TO READ IT!!!!!! Legit!!! She even said she hadn't been baptized and wanted to be and so she wants to find out if our church is for her!!! MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday we woke up and I swear it was like a Vancouver Island Storm outside!!! Crazy like a hurricane!!!!!!!!!! LUCKILY, we had planning so we stayed in all morning and by the time we left it was clear!!! Thursday was a hard day. We met with a lot of people who are facing really hard life problems and it was just SO SAD!!!! It's awesome that they are reaching for the gospel though, and that we are able to teach them and talk with them to help them through the hard times!!! I feel like I can't do much to help them so lately I've been asking "Is there anyone I can pray for" instead of how can we help? As I pray for those people by name I really feel like I'm helping and it strengthens me and makes me happy because I know that God is hearing my prayer and is blessing those
Matthew 5:16 |
people. Friday not much happened except we tracted into a member...she gave us spaghetti...super funny!!! Saturday was #walkingday and of course Mother Nature decided to bless us with rain :) We walked super far!!!! As you go south in my area the number streets go down all the way to 0 which is the USA/CANADA border!!! We walked all the way down to 40 something from our apartment! Let me tell you my feet hurt so bad!!!! One of these P-days we're going to go the border!!!!!!! Later after we had walked all the way back to downtown we were wet, tired, and kind of defeated and this Indian man said "You shine with the light of God! I can see it in your faces! Keep Shining!!!" OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That man was sent from Heavenly Father!!!!!!!!!! Totally made our day and helped brighten our spriits! So for our lesson that night we were teaching kids and we decided to share Matthew 5 where it talks about being an example and a light and we talked about that awesome Indian man and gave the kids some glow in the dark stars (my personal fav thing!!!) It was really cute to see them light up!!! Sunday....let's just say it was the time change and time change for missionaries is....mmmm....BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha It was an interesting day! We ended our day visiting a less active and she had her grand daughters there. I LOVE KIDS!!!!!!!!!! One of her grand daughters grabbed a picture and brought it to us and said this is my brother Wyatt...he's in heaven...he passed away. Oh my goodness....my heart...Sister Hawke said she had a little sibiling in heaven too and the Grand daughter (5 yrs old) said oh my goodness they are playing together!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE CUTEST AND MOST SPECIAL THING!!! We taught her about Jesus and used her stuffies {stuffed animals in the states} to illustrate how we are like little sheep and Jesus loves us all and knows us! It was so great!!!
Overall it was a crazy week but super good!!
I'm loving Langley and we are having so much fun!!!!
Love and miss you all!!
Sister Peterson
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