WOW...this week has been AWESOME!!!!!! Langley is seriously great!!!
Last pic w/ Sister Foote |
Let's start from the beginning though! So Tuesday I got on a ferry and left the island :( really hard!!!! While we were leaving the captain said "Look on the starboard side and you'll see killer whales!!" SERIOUSLY MY DREAM WHILE I WAS ON THE ISLAND WAS TO SEE A WHALE!!! So me and the two elders I was with on the ferry book it to the starboard side (actually didn't know what that was we just followed the people) hahaha AND I SAW A WHOLE POD OF KILLER WHALES!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cool!!! Later I met my new companion Sister Hawke at the TEMPLE!!!!!!!!! Our chapel is like 50 ft from the temple so cool!!!! Sister Hawke and I couldn't contain our excitement ahhahah we were so happy to be companions!!! We still can't believe this is real life!! hahaha That night the Achievement Day girls fed us dinner!! It was so cute! It was like an interview kinda thing and they said they wanted to go on missions and be like
Hey there Moroni |
us!! was so cute!!! We also taught Kim and her kids! The kids have baptismal dates for the end of March so we are super excited about that!!! They are so stoked and keep counting down the days!!! Wednesday was my 6 MONTH MISSION BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!! It was cool to be serving with Sister Hawke because we were celebrating the same thing!!! We decided to get a treat! and we both decided blizzards turns out we like the same flavor! Chocolate x-treme with cookie dough....mmmmm it was basically a hard attack but that's okay because I've started running :) hahaha We have been so busy!!!!! This ward loves to feed us!! We have dinner appointments every night!!! So far I've eaten German food (Rouladen) SUPER GOOD!!!!! English food,Samoan food, good ole meat and potatoes, and tonight we are eating at a members house and she's from Africa!!!! Should be exciting!!! One of my favorite things I've eaten so far is Donair
Donair |
It's like a Greek Gyro IT'S so good!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness!! We've had a lot of success this week! We have 3 new investigators and we found a lot of potentials. One day we decided to let the spirit tell us where we should go (we do that everyday but we just relied solely on the spirit hahah) and we found 3 potentials in less than 30 min!!! SWEET!!! At one house we met two brothers. they were super stoked to hear we were spreading the gospel. One of them (who was obviously first in line when Heavenly Father handed out good looks) said we should pray together! It was awesome! We told him about the book of mormon and he thought it was so cool and he's going to read it! After we did our spirit finding we were kinda lost and abandoned in Surrey area because we didn't have our car...well our ward is so awesome that we just called up a member who works in the mission office and she came and saved us!!!!!!! wooohooo!!!! We also got to ride in Beth's convertible on Saturday!!! She's a recent
Blizzards |
convert here and is so good!!! She reminds me of Diane!! I miss Diane so I just love Beth!! hahaha She drove us to a lesson and we put the top down...let me tell you it was so fun!!!! My hair was destroyed but it was SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday of course was fast and testimony meeting and it was so good!!!! totally needed it!!! There were so many people though! I'm used to 40 people at church and here in Langley there's 2 ward and like 200 people in my Brookswood ward!!! CRAZY...EH!!! Sunday we taught a potential named Helen! Her husband is not doing very well and so we planned on teaching her the plan of salvation!! Well she said "i just don't understand. If jesus could do miracles where has that power gone!?" The spirit was like TEACH THE RESTORATION NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha so we did and she totally liked it and agreed with it and we are meeting with her again!!!! She said she didn't understand why that power of God would be gone and why we can't have miracles
Beth's Convertible |
too. It was seriously the best lesson!! We're going to visit her husband with her at the hospital this week! She needs the gospel so much!! All the questions she has can be answered through the gospel!!! She also has this little dog named sparkles. Sparkles is a Maltese and it doesn't have any teeth so her tongue hangs out of her's the silliest looking dog I've ever seen!!!! hahah Sister Hawke and I are still laughing hysterically!!! Another cool story!!! wow...i'm running out of time!!! Yesterday we were walking through a complex and we saw this lady. Sister Hawke whispered just keep walking she yelled at us bad last time. So I just casually walk by. Well then I hear sister hawke say Hello what are you doing there today? (she was planting a garden with her kids) So i turn around and join the convo (very confused hahah) This lady didn't even remember the missionaries and was totally nice and talked with us about our beliefs for like 30 minutes!!! She wants to
Pink Jello & Silly Girls |
She wants to come to church and meet with us more!!! WOW....God is seriously preparing people more and more everyday to accept the gospel!! She literally went from chewing the sisters out one day to friends and wanting to learn more! She has 4 kids and her husband was pretty interested too!! when we were leaving her young son whispered to her "who are the new pretty girls and are they our friends??" hahaha so cute!!! There are so many fun and exciting things happening here!!! I feel so blessed to be able to serve here!!! Sister Hawke and I have WAY TO MUCH FUN!!! hahha we are loving every minute this transfer!! We hope we get to stay together for another transfer after this!!! Ah!! I can't even write about all the fun and awesome things that went on this week!! We are just having a blast and seeing so much success!!!! This area is so different but so good!! Sometimes President and Sister Burt even come to about nerve racking!!! GEEZZ!!!! It's going to be so good though!!! I had my first Purdy's chocolate this week! It's
like Sees candy except better!! Canadian choclate is so good!!! This young guy (found out he's in the YSA ward) bought us frosty's ....after we had already eaten frosty's how sweet!! now I'm just staring at it debating if I should eat's probably melted.....Their's this specialty candy store in downtown Langley called Sticky's and they have Idaho Spuds!!!!!!!!!!! super random I didn't buy one but it's so cool!! Then we went to the mall and there was a golf shop called Nevada Bob's....super random!
Hope you all are having a great week!!!
Love you to Canada and back!!
Sister Peterson
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