Midnight Pearl Background

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 75: Peterson Tears it up in Port Moody

Welp....I am getting transferred!!
I'm going to Port Moody, BC!!! It's East of Vancouver and Burnaby! To be honest when I first got the call...I was heart broken. I
literally felt so SAD to leave Kelowna!! Sunday was really hard for me! I bore my testimony and I'm not even sure if it was audible....I was a WRECK!! After sacrament I had a receiving line hahaha  People were coming to give me hugs and I was trying my best to write down people's emails through my tears!! I literally have given my heart and soul to Kelowna and I am going to miss it so much! I call Kelowna my "Refiners Fire." I have changed and repented and become so refined since I've been here. It's been SO HARD but SO GOOD at the same time. I have learned to trust Heavenly Father more than anything. I've learned how to use the Atonement appropriately in my life (I know I can always learn more and will!). I've learned that people are soooo different from on another and I've learned what I want in my eternal companion and what I don't want!! Lol I've learned how to help others, how to comfort those that need comfort, and how to recognize the Holy Ghost.....oh my goodness the list goes on. All of these things came about because of trials. They were all tender mercies. I've been promised many times in my life that the
majority of my blessings in life will come as tender mercies. I know that when I think I can't continue, when I think all hope is lost....THE BLESSING COMES. And it really is a tender mercy!!! 
Ah...Kelowna!! I've learned so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so special to me!!! 
Anyway.....it's time to move on and I know that there is a really good reason I'm being sent to Port Moody for my last 6 weeks!!! God needs me to do great things! President Burt called me this morning to "pump me up" for transfers Lol He's so in tune with the Spirit!!! He told me "GO TEAR IT UP!!!" He told me that I need to just work so hard and that there are so many miracles awaiting me there!!! NOW I'M EXCITED  HAHAHAHAHA So today is just crazy!! We have so much to get done!!!! I'm kinda stressing out! Staying 6 months in an area makes it hard to pack because you've accumulated tons of stuff!! So I have 3 piles "donate because I never wore it/never will," "send home because it's too heavy," and "to
pack...the bare minimums." I've never been good at packing light....my overnight backpack usually weighs 50 pounds. Hahahaha 
Today I get to start something called MY PLAN! It was introduced like 2 years ago or something to help missionaries transition from mission to home. It is like little online tutorial things and then you have to make goals for home like scripture study every day, temple attendance, service, school, dating {oh heavens}, and all sorts of things! At the end of the 6 weeks we share "My Plan" with President Burt and he gives us commitments for our LIFE and helps us, so we can stick to the plan that we have set. I'm excited but this is all so surreal. I can't believe this is happening....here I go...I'm going to cry again. TIME FLIES BY SO FAST!!! I am just going to try and make my last weeks here THE BEST EVER!!  I know that I can ENDURE TO THE END and that I will see great things happen in Port Moody!!!!  As for other things that happened this week....IT HAS SNOWED SO MUCH LIKE 2-3 FEET OF SNOW!!! SO CRAZY!! IT'S GOES PAST MY BOOTS SOME TIMES!!! On Tuesday we had
specialized training with President and Sister Burt! I love them so much!! My interview with President was great! He gave me such good advice and dropped some hints about transfers...but I still was holding on that I would stay in Kelowna hahahah 
We also had Zone Meeting on Friday and I got to sing a musical number! Whenever there's a musical number...I get transferred.....it's like an omen hahahaha Zone Meeting was so good! We learned about teaching about the Doctrine of Christ and how we can incorporate it into our lessons!! Everything we do is centered on Christ and when we focus on his Doctrine (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End) OUR LESSONS GO SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! We spend the whole time focusing on teaching them how they can gain that personal relationship with Christ instead of just focused on teaching the facts. I love it! That's the way it was supposed to be the whole time, but we need to be reminded of these things sometimes!! Repetition is important!! Saturday we had lots of things happen!! It snowed a ton so it was really slippery!! We walked out in the morning and our car was cleared off....we could see the foot prints around our car! It was either the Elders or our British friend that lives in our apartment that keeps me updated on Football. Then later that day I shoveled a drive way!!! It was a less active and they weren't home, and their shovel was right there. I've never shoveled a full drive way, so I just decided
Peterson's SuperBowl Sunday Salutation to their Missionary!
to have that experience. MY BACK HURT SO BAD!!! LOL IT WAS SO MUCH FUN THOUGH!!!! Later We were walking down a street and we hear "ahh!!!" We look behind us and this old lady had fallen in the street!!!!! I STARTED RUNNING THROUGH THE SNOW!!! "I'M COMING I'M COMING!!!" We got over to her, and she was so weak she couldn't get herself up. We tried so hard and she kept slipping!! Finally we got her up!! She was shaking like a leaf and she clung to me as we walked across the road! Oh my goodness!! I made sure she wasn't hurting or had anything wrong! She was so sweet!!!! As we were making sure she was okay this man came up to us and asked if we were okay. He saw what ha happened, then he said "YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON THE GIRL SCOUTS!!" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHA I DIED LAUGHING!!! WE AIN'T GIRL SCOUTS....WE ARE MISSIONARIES!!!!! HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAH He said we were girl scouts like 5 times hahahahahhah She did read our tags though, so she knew who we really were!!!! It was such a scary, but sweet moment! I know we were in the right place at the right time!! No one was close to her and she would have been there in the road with no way to get up!! Miracles!! 
Anyway!!! That was my week :) It was really great! Lots of changes, but I'm ready to embrace them!
Pray for me :)

Love you lots,
Sister Peterson

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