So because of the Holidays transfers were really messed up!! Sister Gartside didn't end up going to Abbotsford. She got switched to Surrey 3rd, which was my last area!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SURREY 3RD!!!!!!! So she didn't fly out til Wednesday and then I spent a whole day working with Sister Hoffman and Sister Nelson in their area! Then I
flew out to Vancouver early Thursday morning!! It was just me and another Elder flying from Kelowna and we literally flew on the smallest plan I'VE EVER BEEN ON!!!!!! IT DIDN'T HAVE JETS....IT HAD PROPELLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! So small!!!! hahah We got there okay though!
When we got to the mission office it was kind of dead because we were the first ones there! President Burt saw me and pulled me into his office!!! I HAVEN'T BEEN IN HIS OFFICE SINCE I CAME OUT...OH MY GOODNESS 15 OR SO MONTHS AGO!!!! He sat me down and gave me all this advice about training a new missionary! Some of it scared me, but most of it just made me super excited!!!! He also told us that we are going to be....MOVING APARTMENTS!!!! I've been in the same area for 6 months, but I've moved about 5 times now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this is preparing me to move a lot in the future!!!! WHO KNOWS!!! So yes we are moving tomorrow into another apartment and the new Kelowna 1st sisters are moving into our basement suite!!! So mom I will have yet another address for you!!! :) Anyway, as I was leaving his office I looked at the board with all the pictures of the new missionaries and I kind of had a feeling I would be training a certain was I knew...but I really had no idea. Anyway, so we had a training meeting on Thursday for just the trainers and we were prepped on how things might go!!! It was SO GOOD!!! It helped me feel a little more comfortable about training!! Then we met all together in a big room and had lunch with the new missionaries!! At this point we still didn't know who our companions were!!! Also President and Sister Burt's kids and grandkids were
there!!!!!!!! They are so adorable!!! I was able to see Sister Steele and Sister Tripp and all my favorite sisters!!!! Ahhh!! It was so exciting!!!! They all took bets on who I would train. Then came the transfer meeting....the moment where we learn who we are going to be training!!! President Burt said....Sister Peterson will you stand.......Sister Peterson serves in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in Kelowna 2nd ward!!! She will be training a sister from Good ole Copperton, Utah......SISTER LIMB!!!!!!! THAT'S WHO I THOUGHT I WOULD TRAIN AND WHO EVERYONE GUESSED!!!!!!!! We had a LONG meeting about missionary things and then we were shipped off to the airport again! Luckily we rode on a bigger plane this time!!!! The lady we were sitting next too started talking to us and we were able to teach her the Restoration!!!! She is super interested in coming and checking out a church!!! IT WAS A MIRACLE!!!! Her name is Teagan! Ever since we've gotten back we've just been trying to work so hard!! I've been having to slow down and make sure I explain EVERYTHING!!!! I've been reading my journal of when Sister Ricks trained me and trying to remember how I felt as a "greenie". Sister Limb is SO GOOD THOUGH!!! She is so ready to just work hard, and she has such a strong desire to serve!!! Friday we had a lesson set up for a member to come with us and everything...and
our investigator Tim didn't show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was Sister Limb's first experience with a cancellation...unfortunately they happen a lot...but we didn't give up!! We set up another appointment and we were able to meet with him on Saturday and we brought a different member and it turns out SHE WAS THE PERFECT MEMBER FOR HIM!! She had been through similar experiences and could relate to him. We taught him the Restoration! We had asked him about baptism on his doorstep last week, but Saturday we invited him to be baptized once he came to know this was true he said, "Yes!!! Absolutely!!" That's what I love to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! He even set his own date!! He said...How about April 2nd?! If I did it on the April 1st God might think it's a joke!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH WE DIED LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's still pretty far away, but he set that date on his own so we're going with it!! We are really excited!!!! Then that night...NEW YEARS EVE!!!! We had a dinner with one of our members and she brought her friend Nora, so we could teach
her!!!! We taught her the restoration and made her a new investigator!!!!!! After that we had to rush home because all missionaries had to be in by 6pm!!! We can't be out all night partying and talking with the crazy people!!! So we had a quiet evening and weekly planned!!! I tried to make it fun though! We bought sparkling cider and a cheese ball....just like home hahahhahahaha That's something both me and Sister Limb's family like to eat on New Years!!! Church was AWESOME!!!! The talks were so good I felt like I was in general conference!!!!!! We worked really hard after church on Sunday...Sister Limb CRASHED when we went to bed! hahhahah She is such a trooper though!! I am so proud of her for running hard with me!! I have never felt such a urgency to do this work before!! I
SERVING THE LORD!!! THAT'S SO COOL TO THINK ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 365 DAYS....EACH MOMENT...EACH DAY....IN THE SERVICE OF THE LORD!!!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!! 2017 is going to be great!! I'm excited for the miracles that Heavenly Father has in store for us this transfer!! :) If you guys could!!! Please pray for Sandra our investigator!! that we will be able to meet with her and strengthen her testimony of the Plan of Salvation!! Pray that we'll be able to find some solid new investigators!!! Pray that Levi will come to know the Book of Mormon is true! AND PRAY THAT WE WILL HAVE A BAPTISM SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying so hard to do everything the way that Heavenly Father needs me too! Especially now that I'm training!! She copies everything I do which is so funny, but also scary!!! I'm trying to make this transfer so good so that Sister Limb starts out her mission right!! So I could use all the prayers you can muster up!!!
SERVING THE LORD!!! THAT'S SO COOL TO THINK ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 365 DAYS....EACH MOMENT...EACH DAY....IN THE SERVICE OF THE LORD!!!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!! 2017 is going to be great!! I'm excited for the miracles that Heavenly Father has in store for us this transfer!! :) If you guys could!!! Please pray for Sandra our investigator!! that we will be able to meet with her and strengthen her testimony of the Plan of Salvation!! Pray that we'll be able to find some solid new investigators!!! Pray that Levi will come to know the Book of Mormon is true! AND PRAY THAT WE WILL HAVE A BAPTISM SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying so hard to do everything the way that Heavenly Father needs me too! Especially now that I'm training!! She copies everything I do which is so funny, but also scary!!! I'm trying to make this transfer so good so that Sister Limb starts out her mission right!! So I could use all the prayers you can muster up!!!
Love you all :)
Sister Peterson
*Pictures from transfer meeting and the new year
**I'll tell you about the Hawaii temple Sister Steele is from Hawaii so I
would always give her these cards...then it turned into hiding the cards in her journal, jacket, everywhere and it annoyed her so much!!! hahahahahhahaha NOw that sister steele is gone SIster Hoffman has been hiding temple cards and annoying me!!!! hahahah Karma!!!!!!!! Anyway I'm pretty sure I've found about 20 of them so far!!!
would always give her these cards...then it turned into hiding the cards in her journal, jacket, everywhere and it annoyed her so much!!! hahahahahhahaha NOw that sister steele is gone SIster Hoffman has been hiding temple cards and annoying me!!!! hahahah Karma!!!!!!!! Anyway I'm pretty sure I've found about 20 of them so far!!!
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