This week was SO BUSY!!!!!! Monday was HALLOWEEN AND NEVADA DAY!!! so we had fun :) Our day was switched around and we proselyted from 2-5 and then we had to be in from 6-9 so we got to finish p-day and have tons of fun and make yummy food :) Tuesday we

taught Sarah (YSA investigator) the plan of Salvation!!! THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG!!! I was explaining resurrection and the 3 kingdoms of glory and she gasped and just started crying when I said there wasn't just heaven or hell.....IT WAS SUPER POWERFUL!!! It was like some burden had been lifted off her shoulders like she had finally found what she was looking for or wanted to know!!! It was amazing!!! I love the plan of salvation! I've been studying it alot lately and each time I do I learn more and more and it just makes sense!! We also taught Jenny on Tuesday!!! Kendall came so we had the moms and the babies again!!! We gave Jenny a church tour and it was really cool!!! She has never really been to church before so this was a big step on her part!! When we walked into the chapel at the end THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like I hope she is feeling this!!!!!! She is still reading the book of mormon and she's slowly finding her faith in God :) We did some service for a lady named Melanie! She used to be a member
and the missionaries just tracted into her! We painted some trim and doors for her...BUT we first had to use OIL-BASED PAINT!!!!!! I'VE NEVER DEALT WITH ANYTHING MORE HORRID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was SO STRONG....LIKE THE POWER OF 1,000000,00000000,0000000 SHARPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Sister Steele ran into me while I was painting the trim and she GOT IT ON MY PANTS AND IT DOESN'T COME OUT WITHOUT TURPENTINE SO I WAS LIKE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing we don't wear pants every day hahahahahha She hit me with the brush and said "oh....sister....." hahahhhaha it was so funny!!!!!!!!!!! Later that night we had THE BEST LESSON I'VE EVER TAUGHT ON MY MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!! am boasting of my God okay...not myself!!! (Alma 26) hahah a member in the Kelowna 1st ward had a friend that wanted to be taught by sisters so we went over and
taught a simple first lesson. It was so spirit-led and spirit-filled it was SO INTERESTING I was just wrapped up in it all the time flew by so fast!! We all taught so well because the spirit was so strong! This lady Suzanne really had the desire to learn and find out for herself and I think that's what made the difference. Everything was just perfect!! We were like man we should have filmed it and made our own District videos!!!! I WAS SO GOOD!!!!!! Wednesday We had district meeting in West Kelowna so we went over the lake :) We had dinner with the Johns the senior couple :) they are just wonderful!! I also hit 14's so weird!!!! Thursday we met with Shona (YSA investigator) and we had a super sweet lesson!! One of the members in YSA just got back from his mission in India so they met and chatted and talked about indian food and that fun stuff :) Shona is so good she just has a ton of stuff going on with family, work, and school!!!!!!!!!!! Next week she is going to let us try on her punjabi suits and indian dresses!!! yay!!! Friday was SISTER BRIMHALL'S BIRTHDAY!!!! so i called her in White Rock and wished her a happy birthday!! I miss that woman..but she just emailed me and said that WE ARE SLEEPING OVER AT HER HOUSE WHEN WE GO DOWN FOR JEFFREY R. HOLLAND this weekend so i am so stoked!!!!!! Friday we had interviews with President and Sister Burt!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't know what I did to have him as my mission president but let me tell you!!! THEY ARE SO AMAZING!!!! OKAY....HERE'S THE COOLEST STORY YOU'LL EVER HEAR...ON THIS EMAIL!!! So we have been planning in "Holland" rd in my area for THE LONGEST TIME!!!!!!!! We never got around to doing
though...when i say we are busy I mean we have 5 min lunches and we have no time to dilly daddle around....always on the run!!! So we planned it in as a back up and as a main plan one night to MAKE SURE WE DID IT....well the day arrived!!!!!!!!!!!! FRIDAY NOV. 4TH.....WE TRACTED HOLLAND ST. We wanted to take a picture in front of the sign and make a thank you card for elder holland....admit it that's cool and you're jealous hahah anyway cheesiness aside...we couldn't take a selfie and get the sign...then this girl walks by. I yelled and said "hey could you take our picture!!! I told her all about elder holland and why we needed it!!!" she gladly took the picture, we shared the gospel then she said it's kind crazy you stopped me because my last name is actually Holland......WHAT?????????? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE WAS
INTERESTED IN COMING TO CHURCH TOO.....IN THE WORDS OF SOMEONE "IS THAT ODD OR IS THAT GOD!!!!!" IT WAS SO FUNNY AND COOL THE ONLY THING WE COULD THINK TO DO WAS TAKE A SELFIE WITH HER HAHAHAHAHHA SO WE DID :) Anyway we tracted the rest of Holland and we found a FAMILY :) awesome!!! Holland rd was so inspired!!! Don't worry the pictures will be included :) Friday night we went to Sushi with some YSA members ;) it was tons of fun and we committed them to TEXTIFY (TESTIFY AND TEXT) or send their testimony to someone on their contacts or facebook friends :) it's been quite successful lately :) Saturday we had another cool experience! We had missed our turn so we parked somewhere else. As we were getting out sister steele started talking to this girl trying to set up a lesson and appointment. She said to be honest today is the only day that would work but I'm going to get sushi....we were like that sounds fun let's go and we'll teach you! So WE GOT SUSHI AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We taught her the restoration and she was so thoughtful!!! her heart
This is Sister Holland!!! |
was definitely softened and you could tell it made an impact on her! We're meeting her this week again...NOT FOR SUSHI!! hahah We had a lesson with Patricia she contacted us again and said she is ready to quit smoking. There's a different light about her a motivation to do something so we'll see where it goes. Sunday we had stake conference!! it was super good! President Burt said it was one of the best stake conferences he's been too!! Last night we were rushing home after a member visit and we saw this lady outside raking her leaves!!! IT WAS FREEZING and SO DARK!!!!! we asked her what was up??? she said she was going through some really hard things...we had 5 min....till we were really pushing it....we took of our bags really fast...grabbed her rake and started raking her whole yard!!!!! Sister Hoffman and I grabbed black trash bags and started loading them with these wet cold leaves!!! Sister Steele raked them all up and we got most of them packed up and in trash bags in 5 min!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO FUN!!!! .she said
we were angels and that she knows that God is aware of her now!!!! It was such a good missionary moment :) Good week overall...we got a lot accomplished...WE ARE SO BUSY AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! This weekend we get to see Elder Holland :) we are taking a charter bus on Friday morning to Vancouver its a 5 hour bus ride and we're instructed to catch up on our journals, read the Book of Mormon, and sleep.....what??!? sleep!!! yes!!! hahahah I am so excited we don't get naps very often haha :) This weekend with Elder Holland is going to be the best!!! The spirit is going to be so strong!!!!
You'll hear all about it next week!!
Sister Peterson
<------ DOG
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