Phew...what a week you guys!!!
FIRST TRANSFER NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I am.....GOING TO KELOWNA!!!!! IT'S ON THE BORDER OF THE OKANAGAN LAKE!!!! It's more east towards Alberta!!! IT'S SO PRETTY THERE!!!! I'M EXCITED!!!!! My new companion is Sister Esplin!! I wonder if she's related to the
Kelowna! |
Esplin's in our ward!! That would be so cool!! Anyway I'm super sad to leave Surrey 3rd :( but excited for this new adventure!!! We had apartment inspections this week, so Monday night we were scrambling to make sure everything was spotless :) We passed!! hahah Our apartment is clean but we DEEP CLEANED so it was "Temple-like." Tuesday we had a lesson with Jolene and her son. Her son is 6 and he doesn't really know who Jesus Christ is so we used the Gospel Art Book and explained The Life of Jesus! It was REALLY COOL to see as we got into the lesson and talked more about Christ how they just calmed down. They leaned back and just listened. Her son was cuddled up next to her and they just calmed way down and seemed so peaceful. It was really cool to see how the spirit worked with them! We met with Sister Tanner!! She's the best!!! She has given away 4 Book of Mormons since I've been here in various languages!!! She's so good!!! Wednesday we had an awesome district meeting with our whole district FINALLY!!! We have the assistants in our district and they are so busy they are never there!!!! So we got
District Meeting Photo! |
everyone together!!!!! We went on a little split with the Sisters and we saw lots of success!!! We met so many people in that short hour!! It was so cool!!! Thursday we planned planned planned!! I had a feeling I was leaving Surrey so we made sure to clean up our Area Book and make sure it was pristine!! A lot of our lessons/people didn't work out this week so we didn't teach that much but we definitely got things ready for Sister Magleby and Sister Hawke (oh yeah...SISTER HAWKE IS COMING TO REPLACE ME!!!!!!) to take off and do so much work here next transfer!!!!!! Friday we stopped by a potential the Elders found her name is DIANE!!! Just like one of my fav members in Campbell River Diane Tilma!! Turns out Diane's (the one is surrey...hahah) sister is a member and she has known Mormons for over 40 years!!! She said "if i was going to join any church it would be the Mormon church" WHAT?!?!?! AWESOME!!!!!!! So we straight up asked her why she hasn't been baptized...she said "I don't quite know!" SO WE INVITED
USA mountains from BC! |
HER TO BE BAPTIZED AND SHE SAID SHE WANTS TO LEARN MORE SO SHE CAN!!!!! Woooohoooo!!!!!! I'm excited to see her be baptized soon! Sad I won't be here to see it, but definitely excited that she wants to make that covenant with God!!! Saturday...the day we look forward too....TRANSFER CALL DAY!!!!!!! All day you go around worried if you'll be transferred or be honest I FORGOT!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH but then once I remembered I was SO NERVOUS!!! I felt like I was leaving...but I could stay....Heavenly Father told me to study Jacob 5 to prepare for I was trying to glean anything I could from this chapter and I had a few options: 1) I'm going to the North "And it came to pass that the Lord of the Vineyard said unto the servant: come let us go to the Nethermost part of the vineyard..." Verse 19 2) I would stay and nourish it a little more: "But behold the servant said unto the Lord of the vineyard: Spare it a little longer." verse 50 and it says It's the last time he will nourish the vineyard so I could have time left!!! hahah Anyway...Heavenly Father must have just gotten frustrated with my false
The Prasad's Love Them!!! |
assumptions he said "just wait till you get your call then you'll understand." Well...I understand Heavenly Father's joke now....KELOWNA HAS TONS OF ORCHARDS AND FRUIT AND VINEYARDS!!! JUST LIKE IN JACOB 5!!!!!!!! Aside from that...Jacob 5 really was inspired reading from Heavenly Father because I really have felt unaccomplished here. I have tried so hard to do what's right and to help this area grow but we have seen little progression come from the people we're working with. THAT MAKES IT REALLY HARD! I really didn't want to be transferred because I feel like my work here isn't done...but I loved Jacob 5:47 "But what could I have done more in my vineyard? Have I slackened mine hand, that I have not nourished it? Nay, I have nourished it, and I have digged about it, and I have pruned it, and I have dunged it; and I have stretched forth mine hand almost all the day long, and the end draweth nigh..." This verse gave me a lot of really spoke to my soul! I have worked so hard to just bring "something" "one thing" to pass here! I feel like I've learned so much about missionary work and
Jayesh and I with our classic pose! I'll miss him! |
how to just keep going even through challenges. I have done everything I can to "nourish" the vineyard here in Surrey 3rd and now I have to go and apply the same thing in Kelowna 2nd ward and work hard to become even better!!!!! Jacob 5:74 "And Thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit..which was most precious unto him from the beginning."And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good. I know this change is going to be good for's definitely a change!!! But I know that Heavenly Father is the one that inspired President Burt to make this change, so I'm excited to see what's in store!!! The next day was REALLY HARD!! I had to tell all my Surrey 3rd members that I'm leaving!! FOR SOME ODD REASON I ALWAYS SING A MUSICAL NUMBER THE WEEKEND I GET A TRANSFER CALL....So on Sunday Elder Vo, Elder Neil, Sister Magleby and I sang that arrangement "Army of Helaman and As Sisters in Zion" oh yeah...THAT ONE...and it was really good!!!! The theme of Sacrament was The Restoration and so this musical number done by the missionaries was perfect!!!! I
Jayesh's Dolly he says bye to! |
cried!! I'm going to miss Surrey 3rd so much!!!!! It was really hard saying goodbye :( Since then I've been packing like a mad woman!!! I have so much stuff that has accumulated!!! This will be my first time flying on the mission so my bags have to weigh 50 lbs each...OOPS!!! Pretty sure they weigh like 65-70lbs hahahahha
So I'm going through a lot of myself...VALUE VILLAGE HERE WE COME!!!! Last night I was able to visit with Bishop Prasad and his family!!! We live with them and they are the best family ever!!! I love them so much!!! We were playing with Jayesh (3 yrs old) and he was bouncing a balloon in his hand and I wasn't paying attention and he acted like he was going to throw it at me and IT SCARED ME SO BAD!!!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS LIKE A REGULAR BALL SO I FLIPPED OUT!!!!!!!!!! IT MADE HIM LAUGH SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHA So of course he being a 3 yr old did it again and scared me again!!!!!!!!!! We were all DYING OF LAUGHTER!!!! Jayesh is so cute!! He waves goodbye to us in the morning and he only knows Hindi and a few phrases so he says "BYE....I LOVE YOU!!" EACH MORNING!!! It's so cute!! Well the last couple days we haven't been able to do that, so he put a doll in the window and his parents said he says goodbye to that in the morning!!!! haha It's so great!!!!!!!! hahaha This morning was INTERESTING!!! I have been having a lot of headaches and pains in my neck and so before I fly out to the Wilderness they call Kelowna...I went to the
Thumbs up! Have a good week :) |
doctor and I got...ACUPUNCTURE...or some new modern-world form of it!! IT WAS THE COOLEST THING!!!! I couldn't see it obviously but Sister Grant one of my sister training leaders took a picture of it and the needle went like 1-2 inches down into my skin and muscle!!!!! It didn't hurt at all, but it was the weirdest feeling in the whole world!!!!!! My muscles have been freaking out since...They say it gets worse before it gets better so I'm hoping I'll still be able to function okay tomorrow when I transfer to Kelowna!!!! Wish me luck!!!
Enjoy the pictures :) hahahah
Sister Peterson
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