So this week started out CRAZY CRAZY!!! {Side note from Sydni: when you're on the mission apparently you haven't heard of the phrase cray cray Hahahaha} So after we emailed we went about doing our normal P-day things and we got a call about 2:30pm that Sister Macaso needed to be packed and gone ASAP!!! We were out and about with our Investigator Reina so we were like OH NO!!! We didn't get home until 3:30pm and she had 1 HOUR!!!!! 1 HOUR MY FRIENDS TO PACK AND GET READY TO LEAVE!!! Poor thing was so stressed!!! But Heavenly Father slowed down time because we were just sitting around for 10 min before the car came for her!!! SWEEEET!!!! So instead of getting Sister Magleby Wednesday, I got her Monday night!!! It was crazy but I totally know why she needed to come that early!!! Anyway...before Sister Magleby came I was with Sister Grant and we met with the Rameka's a super sweet AWESOME couple from New Zealand and Australia. We had such a good lesson with them!!! They are so funny!!! I love Australians!!!!! So I got Sister Magleby at like 9:30pm Monday night!!! Poor thing had only 12 hours to pack up everything in Vanderhoof and get on a plane!!! She thought she was staying so she had nothing packed!!! SURPRISE!!! Tuesday Sister Nelson came with us part of the day because she didn't have a companion yet and we went and visited a potential named Michiko. She's from Japan and {reason why Sister Magleby came early...I'm's why....keep reading.} Sister Magleby's dad served his mission in Japan and SHE HAS A JAPANESE NAME TAG!!!!!!!!!!! AND CAN SAY THINGS IN JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fantastic!! Because of that Michiko is interested!!! We had a sweet lesson with Bhupinder and we watched the Restoration DVD in Hindi!! It was cool!! I could even recognize some words as we watched it!! I'm learning!!!! Us missionaries are doing a scripture study class now so Tuesday night we went and did some spying on the Delta ward's study group muhahahah. It was good! Jean came with us :) Then we ended our night with a visit to a sweet little family! They met each other on their missions and have an amazing story!!! It was so cute!! Wednesday was crazy! We were still trying to get all settled in so we had to unpack and organize a little. We had Sister Tripp with us today :) Sister Magleby and I thought we would have our first day together!! hahah then the STL's {sister training leaders} called and said they needed us to be in a tri {3 companions} today. #missionterms Oh well!!
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It was a ton of fun!! We REALLY wanted Wendy's and we started driving...and thing you know we're CLEAR ACROSS TOWN IN DELTA HAHAHAHAHA good thing we had our Sister Training lLeader with us so we didn't break any rules :) The Wendy's was good :) totally worth it. Later in the day I got a super bad migraine!! We ate at a members house and I felt so bad because I was so sick I couldn't eat!!! They remind me so much of my Mom and Dad!!! haha Anyway so we left and went to our next appointment with Sister Tanner a member and she could tell I was so she got me some cucumbers to put on my eyes and started giving me a massage!!!! hahahaha It wasn't funny then!! I was so sick and out of it!!! She commanded me to drink more water and go straight I called the Mission nurse and we called it a night :( I had to go home and lay down it was really bad!!! That headache lasted for the next day too :( It was really weird!! Anywho! Enough with that! Thursday was fun! We got to meet with Lee Jones again! She's the best!! She has been getting so excited about the Gospel lately!! I gave her some smiley stickers to put in her scriptures whenever she finds a good one and HER SCRIPTURE STUDY HAS SKY ROCKETED!!!!!!! Man she texts us everyday about how her studies went that day!! She is so wonderful :) No longer less active either so that's AMAZING!!!!! So proud of her!!! Friday we went to a lesson with our Zone Leaders so they could pass off an investigator to us. Her name is Sainaaz and she has 2 boys and a 2 month old little girl!! The Boys LOVE the Elders and were sad to see them go, but i think they are warming up to us too! One of the boys is 9 yrs old and he was just glued to us as we taught him and his family. They are very promising!! The little baby is adorable too!!! Man I really miss holding babies!!!! Saturday was THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!! IT WAS SISTER MAGLEBY'S 21ST BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! She was sad to leave her last area because she had so many awesome birthday plans so
Meet Sister Magleby!!!! |

I tried to make it the best day ever!!! The Sister Training Leaders showed up at 6:30am to exercise with us!! It was fun but we all are SO sore now...Sister Magleby and I look like old people as we try to sit down in lessons hahahhaha It takes us forever!!! Then we had a Birthday breakfast with the Prasads who we live with!! They invited us up and fed us so much food!!! Then one of their Birthday Traditions is that each person in the room has to feed the Birthday Girl cake...imagine the Grinch when he's eating all the pudding and cake and stuff!!!! hahaha IT WAS SO FUNNY!!!!! Sister Magleby was so worried someone would shove it in her face but even the 3 yr old was nice and didn't do that!! hahaha I'm totally going to do that in my family!!!! Then the best part: So before Sister Magleby came we had set up a surprise birthday lunch for her with the Benincosa's. So I had to figure out how to still keep it a surprise! So I told her that I felt like we really should go visit this potential investigator that lives by the Church (the Benincosa's live out of our area in Delta...kind of far hahaha) So she was all game! I said her name was Sarah and she had a cute little baby boy and she was really interested in the gospel!! It was all good!!! I felt really bad though because Sister Magleby was praying so hard all day that "Sarah" would become a new investigator!!! hahaha oops!!!! So it comes time for us to drive there and I was worried she would realize we were driving far and out of our area so I told her I wanted to read Neill F. Marriott's talk from Conference and asked if she would read it to me as we drove...GENIUS!!!! The spirit definitely gave me that idea!! So she's a southern accent... hahaha and I'm trying so hard to drive fast and not let her see where we were actually going. We get there and all is good...We walk up to the door and ELDER BENINCOSA answers the door hahahhahaha SHE WAS SO CONFUSED!!!!!! Then all the sisters yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was so surprised!!!!!!!! It was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!!!!! We had CAKE and PIZZA!!! It was a blast!!! Afterward we still wanted to see a birthday miracle and get a new investigator since...Sarah was fake and we were finding and the thought came to me to stop by Jessica's {a potential we've been trying to see for a while} So we stop by and she had just gone through a really rough thing and we showed up at the right time! She invited us right in and was so open for anything that would help her in her life right now!! So we got a new investigator!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! BIRTHDAY MIRACLE!!!!!!

Time For A Funny Story <3
One funny thing that happened today... was we were walking along and I said my Cousin (Derek) is in Uganda...Sister Magleby starts singing opera.....I stop "What are you doing?!" she said "I'm on a Uganda!!!" LOL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH "THAT'S A GONDOLA SISTER!!!!" hahahahaha it was so funny!!!!!!!
Sunday was good too!! Sister Magleby had to speak in Hindi sacrament (it's like initiation into Surrey 3rd ward) So we went to that! Always good and spirit filled!! We had some great lessons with some members. I swear one lady is Rhonda Johnson's Sister...they are twins (looks and personality) hahah We had an awesome dinner with a family that reminds me of the Weavers (Matt and Kaylene). Their boys are too funny!!!! We saw lots of miracles this week and had a fun time!!! I love my companion!!! She is so great!!!! We are going to have a great transfer!!! Get ready for lots of funny stories and tons of great spiritual experiences!!!
Sister Peterson
My favorite quote from this week<3
Your Heavenly Father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble—perhaps many times. This saddens Him, but He LOVES you. He does not wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, He desires that you RISE up and become the person you were designed to be.
-Preident Uchtdorf
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