Welp...another week has gone by! The weeks are starting to go faster!!! We had a good week!!! We found 3 new investigators
Sister Herd, Macaso, Peterson |
and we had a fun weekend!! Two of our new investigators are from the Philippines, so Sister Macaso just taught them while I played with their little grand daughter! She was mad they weren't paying attention to her, and she couldn't understand them so I told her I spoke English and I would play with her hahhaha Our other new investigator is Beatrice! She's from Sudan and she is awesome!!! She met us a few weeks ago and just let us into her house the other day to teach her! She said that she always says, "No I don't have time." but she decided to say yes this time!! Good choice. Good choice. We are excited to start working with them! At the beginning of the week we had a super cool miracle!!! We were store contacting which I am the worst at. We were walking down the isles of Dollarama and we commented on this lady's hat it said, "BEAST". She said she didn't know why she wore it that day but she just wanted to...(it was so we could comment on it hahah) Well we started talking and she said she had just moved to Langley and I said I just came from there!!! Then we started talking about missions...she said, "I know about John Smith (lol) and Jesus Christ, but I just can't choose between the
two." We automatically chimed back YOU DON'T HAVE TOO!!!! Joseph Smith restored Jesus Christ's church on the earth again! It's the same one!! We taught her the Restoration in the Candy Isle :) and she was like, "It's that simple??? I want to learn more!!!" So I got all her information and got to call Sister Brimhall in Langley!!!!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday we had Zone Conference!! It was AMAZING!!!! I had a nice surprise when I showed up! My mom had dropped off a present for me when she was passing through so I got some cool stuff!!! She got me some new skirts and dress {from LulaRoe of course} that I just love!!! It was a nice little treat :)
Zone Conference was super good! President and Sister Burt gave a great training as always!!! They talked a lot about having "No Regrets" at the end of our missions and making all of our time count!!! I really needed that message because I only have 9 months left!!! It was cool because the night before I had been praying that I would figure out a way to make these last months count and Zone Conference just answered all my questions and motivated me to work even harder! Some of my fav quotes from Zone conference are:
"This is not the time to be casual or slow...PICK UP THE PACE!!!" Sounds harsh but it was very loving hahahah
"He loves you. He knows you by name. Be His!"
"You hold salvation in your hands for these people"
There were many others :)
The Peacock! |
It was a great day!! I also got to sing a musical number at Zone Conference which I love to do, so it was fun!!! After Zone Conference one of the Sisters, Sister Herd came to stay with us!! She has been out a week and was just drilling me with questions about the mission!! haha I remember being like that! I wanted to know everything I could!!!! She stayed the night and worked with us the next day which was tons of fun!!! When we were nightly planning she jumped up really fast and ran to the couch... we were like what the heck is wrong with you hahahah Then we look and there is a GINORMOUS spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THE BIGGEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! We put a cheerio in the picture so you can see how big he was hahah We named him Reginald!!! It was funny because Sister Herd and Sister Macaso were so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha We also got cute shirts at Zone Conference that say "So Good" It's President Burt's fav saying! "Sisters you are...SOOOO GOOD!!" "You missionaries are just SOOO good!" hahhaha he says it all the time, so they made shirts!! So we had to take a picture!! On Saturday the three of us were tracting and we hear this
Reginald the Spider |
CRAZY SOUND we turn around and there is a peacock...trying to go tracting with us...hhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahah apparently there are tons of peacocks in Surrey...and they just roam around...WEIRD RIGHT?!?! So we took some selfies with him and he was just working it down the sidewalk hahahaha Sunday I spoke in a Hindi Sacrament Meeting!!!!!! Bishop Prasad helped me out and translated my testimony into Hindi for me so I got to SPEAK HINDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so nervous but I practiced my little heart out and everyone said they could understand me!!!
Here's what I said: It may not make some sense because we had to use words that would translate and change some grammer and stuff :)
I want to give you with my testimony that missionary work is the greatest work we can ever do.
May apnee gavaahee aapko deti hu, ki missionary ki kaam sabse mahaatwa-poorn kaam hay, jo hame sewpa gaya hay.
I know this gospel is true and there are many people that need to hear it.
May jaanti hu, ki Ishu Mashi ka susmachaar sach-cha hay, aur yaha, bahot log hay, joh isko soon-na chahate hay.
I’m so very much excited for this Hindi congregation and I want to work with you to teach our Indian brothers and sisters in Surrey.
May ba-hot khush hu, ki aap Hindi meh sacrament kar rahe hay, aur may aapke saath, Surrey meh, sabhi hindustaani bhai aur bhahen ko yah susmachaar sikhaana chahati hu.
I would like to invite you to share this special message to your family, friends, and neighbors.
May aapko nimantran deti hu, ki aap is susmachaar ko, apne parivaar, dosto, aur parosiyo, ko baate.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
May ye Ishu Masih ke naam se kaheti hu. Amin
hahaha That's my testimony!!!
Zoram the Raccoon |
All went well and after Sacrament we had Samosas...they are delicious!!! That night the Prasads made us butter chicken and that was super good too!!!! hahahha Well...here's the last story....so we are just chilling before bed last night and I hear some rustling outside...I say is someone picking up our garbage???? We turn on the light and THERE IS A RACCOON JUST CHILLING OUTSIDE EATING OUR OLD FILIPINO CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh!! We tried to scare him away by banging on the door...well the door opened so we just screamed hahahahahahhahah so we shut it fast and just stared at him. He wasn't scared of us at all!!!!!! He just kept chowing down. We snapped some good photos hahah
This week was really good! We were busy and had lots of fun!!!
Hope you all have a good week :)
Sister Peterson
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