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Snapshot of typical BC Canada weather |
We'll start with Wednesday...we had another lesson with Marilynn and we talked more about the Bible and the Book of Mormon and how they support each other! She's still having a hard time accepting that there could be another religious text besides the bible. I'm REALLY grateful for the 2 hours I have each morning to study!! I've learned so much about the Bible and I feel like I can really explain myself to the Bible Bashers which is comforting! It's crazy because people will fight us and fight us about the Book of Mormon, but all they have to do is PRAY to ask God if it's true, but they don't want to do that because...what if it is true? Change is super scary sometimes but if it's from God we have nothing to fear!! Thursday I had to go back to the Ortho office and get my retainers done!! SUCH A BLESSING I DON'T HAVE TO WEAR THAT TORTURE DEVICE ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!! haha I LOVE my new ones though :) They are clear and a lot less dorky I guess! Thursday we had a lesson with some other investigators and it was interesting. We just felt a weird spirit about the lesson the whole time. I'm not sure if they want to know if it's true or if they are just gathering information to use against us or something. Our words kept being used against us and twisted and so it was not a pleasant lesson. It's hard to teach
people when they are just curious...they really need to have an open heart so the spirit can dwell and help them receive the message we bring. Friday we got to go on another ROAD TRIP!!! Whoop whoop! We had to leave so early and it was POURING, so we barely made it! Good thing too because President Burt and Sister Burt were there!! They are so great and I love them so much! Our whole meeting was about CHANGE!! There were some BIG changes made to our mission so it was a good meeting! I got a lot out of it! Friday night our ward had a Valentines Dance! We went and we had 3 investigators come! It was great!! We were able to talk with them and help them mingle with the ward!!! I ate WAY TO MANY goodies though...ugh!!!! We couldn't dance there because we are missionaries, but we went home and did some line dances and things in our apartment!!! hahah It was fun! Saturday we took after the Pioneers and walked and walked and walked....holy cow...I'm surprised my shoes don't have holes yet! It was a great day though because we had a MIRACLE!!!!!!! Like the craziest miracle yet to date!!!!
My V-day Breakfast from Sis. Christensen |
Get your popcorn or chips and get ready for this:
So Friday night before the Valentines Dance Bishop gave us the number of a guy who had called the church and left a message just saying he wanted to get involved in the church. SWEET! So we gave him a call...he was super excited about meeting up and we scheduled our lesson for the next day...Saturday. So we had no idea who this guy was...was he less active? A former investigator?...No clue! So we start talking to him and we said, "So what do you know about our church and why are you interested?" He said, "Well I know that the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and told him where to find the gold plates and that he deciphered them through the power of God...."
We were speechless!!!!!! He said that he attended institute when he was younger and used to date a Mormon girl and all this stuff, but he never did the "Baptism Thing!" So we refreshed his memory of the Restoration and talked about all that good stuff and then asked him if he wanted to be baptized. He said yeah that's kinda what he was hoping for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! So he's being baptized in March!!!! SERIOUSLY A MIRACLE OUT OF THIN AIR!!!!!!!!! Heavenly Father is so good!! We talk all the time about how missionaries are planting seeds, well guys NEWS FLASH we just harvested a good one!!!!! Harvesting is the best!!!! hahaha He also said he wanted to come to church and before our lesson he had actually gone and bought new church clothes for the next day!!!! CRAZY AWESOME! Sunday was great because we had 3 investigators at church including Steven our new miracle investigator! Church was different because we had a Western US and BC Canada Broadcast where Elder Renlund spoke and some other General Authorities! IT WAS SO GOOD! Sunday night we watched the cheesiest Lovey-dovey movie you can watch on your mission....Legacy with an older lady in the ward and it was sweet! She really liked it!
Lady: "...and where are you from?
Me: I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lady: WHAT?!?!? Who's from "Vegas"?!?
I explained that I didn't actually live in the Neon Babylon part of Vegas and that I lived on the outskirts, but she was still weirdly shocked... hahaha She thought I was a heathen or something! I need to start a new hashtag or Campaign "Las Vegas Mormon" apparently it's unheard of. #isurvivedvegas #risingaboveneonbabylon #imavegasmormon
So our week was super good!!!!!
Hope everyone had a fun Valentines day :)
Sister Peterson
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