{drum roll }
I'm staying in Campbell River with Sister Ricks! Yay! No surprise there! I'll be here until December 10th! The week started out slow....but we had a CRAZY weekend! It was Nanaimo stake conference and Elder Gay of the Seventy came! He asked to have a 2 hour meeting with JUST THE NANAIMO ZONE! So cool! President and Sister Burt came too! We drove to Nanaimo on Saturday (I drove! Woohoo!) and had a great meeting with Elder Gay! He told us about how he served as a mission president in Africa over Ghana, Sierra Leone...and somewhere else. He has some CRAZY COOL stories! One of my favorite things he said was "Not one of you (missionaries) is here by chance. If you were sent here you have a purpose". I've been trying to figure out that purpose. I know that I'm supposed to be on a mission and I'm starting to love it, but why am I in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada RIGHT NOW! Figuring out my purpose is exciting! I have faith that there are people here that I am meant to meet and teach. This weekend I also got to spend time with President
MISSION ROADTRIPS ARE THE BEST!!! We came back home yesterday and worked a little in our area. We drove down this random road almost on the outskirts of our area to find a less active member. No joke the road was like 12 miles long! We kept driving and driving and finally we found her house and we had a great lesson with her! So stoked! After we felt like we should stay on that road in the middle of no where and we walked to the end like another 2 miles! After visiting a few houses we realized that missionaries had NEVER been down there and a lot of people hadn't heard of our church before. We knocked on one door and this
While we were on the "road of miracles" we found GINORMOUS LEAVES!! We would pick them up as we went and then leave them in the drive way when we knocked on doors! We got some good ones! We also had a Justin Bieber sighting in the woods...refer to pics. Jumping to today...as we were going to the church to email we stopped by the beach and we saw a whale! I'm so lucky to be serving in Campbell River! It's so beautiful and I'm amazed everyday!
This weekend was so exciting and spiritually uplifting! I can't write about it all but I am having a great time! My challenge to all of you reading is to help your missionaries out in your area!
Heavenly Father wants all his children to learn of the gospel! So as it says in that scripture OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!! I know this gospel can bless people's lives and as we share it we will be blessed as well!
Love you all!!
Until next week,
Sister Peterson
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