First, Let me tell you as a missionary you come to dislike holidays because everyone is gone or busy! BUT! Then
Wintry Ocean/Icy Roads |
Christmas Eve Dinner |
Hermana Wilson |
you have a Christmas miracle and it's super cool! Earlier in the week we got a call from this potential who we had gave our number too but we had no way of contacting him. He called and said that he was in the hospital and wanted to talk to us! We went and ended up saying a prayer with him and telling him about the plan of salvation! It was so cool that he reached out to us! On CHRISTMAS EVE EVE! We drove down island for a meeting and by the time we got back around 5pm Campbell River was a winter nightmare!!! It had snowed like crazy and because it's right next to the ocean it was VERY ICY!!! My driving skills are improving though :) no crashes yet! It's still on the ground 4 days later! Every one says it's not super common. I much prefer the snow than the rain though :) it's so pretty!Christmas Eve was fun!! Here in the mission we don't get "holidays" and we work right through them! I've heard other missionaries say that they get the day off on Christmas!!! WHAT?!?! Anywho...on Christmas Eve we dropped goodies off at Less Actives houses and met a lot of new people! We had dinner at a member's home and we acted out the Nativity! I was an angel!!! Hahah Sister Macara {we were at her home} surprised us by emailing our moms and asking what our family Christmas tradition was. All night I was like...oh my goodness I wonder what my mom said ....then she brings out the little cups of rice pudding. I instantly said "Oh man you guys are going hate me!!!" We were playing Ricalamande a.k.a. Rice Pudding. It was so fun to play a game that we play every year as a family!! Thanks Weaver Family for the fun tradition!! We got to open a little gift too! It was a really special night and made us feel right at home :) We spent the rest of the night with our favorite member Sister Mills :) We sang and shared lots of great stories!!! Christmas Morning we awoke promptly at 6:20am and had a little Christmas! I got some great things! New knit headbands to keep my ears warm! Bath and Body works my fav! Hot hand warmers {lifesaver thanks Mom and Emma!} It was lots of fun and I felt very loved by Home :) Christmas morning we spent with another member family and we had Santa Crepes! Yum!! Side note: here in Canada they have Christmas crackers which are like little poppers that have a crown, a joke, a sticker or a toy in them! We got to open 3 or 4!! So fun!!! We watched mormon messages and opened some presents and it was so fun!!!! The members in the ward here take really good care of us :) Love them!! Then the best part of Christmas....I GOT TO SKYPE MY FAMILY!!!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST!!!! I love them so much and it was great to see that they are still normal :) Haha Being away from Family is VERY hard and email just doesn't make up for it so my Skype call was pretty much the best thing in the world!! AND I only cried at the end!! Hahaha The Sister Training Leaders cam Christmas Night to do exchanges and we got to carol to some people! So fun! I love going on exchanges and seeing how different missionaries do the work! I went with Hermana Wilson from California and we had so much fun trying to walk around
Christmas Crackers! |
downtown on the icy sidewalks!!! Hahah great memories! On Sunday we were asked to help teach PRIMARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY!!! We gave a little talk in primary about how we can live with Jesus again and our RS lesson was on the talk "God is at the Helm" it ended up being pretty good!! Sister Christensen and I were so unified in our teaching we just bounced right off each other! It was a cool lesson! This next week we are preparing for Diane's baptism!!! She is so ready and we are excited for her to take this big step!! It's my first baptism on the mission so I'm kinda freaking out with everything we have to do but it's so fun!!! I can't wait to send pictures! Diane's the best!!!
That's it I think!! Lot's of good things happening here!
Hope you all have a fun and safe New Year!!!!
Love you :)
Santa Crepes |
Sister Peterson
P.S. There was another bear in our yard and I HEARD IT BUT WAS SO TIRED I DIDN'T GET UP TO SEE IT! These bears don't hibernate apparently!
Okay I'm finished :)